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Your next teaching job
If you’re thinking about your next teaching job, think about joining us. If you are an ambitious and creative teacher, come and help us achieve our ambition to enable every young person in our schools to succeed.
As a teacher you may be looking for:
- professional stretch and challenge as you enter the profession or take your first steps in subject or middle leadership
- to work in a place where inclusivity is celebrated, strong values and ethos are embedded and everyone works together in partnership to benefit all young people on the coast
- a school and area where teachers are valued, wellbeing and workload are being tackled and colleagues from across the area work together to make the coast life their best life
- an area where a walk on the beach after teaching is never too far away!
Our area offers all these things and more. Our school community consists of 35 primaries, eight secondary providers and three specialist schools, along with a technical college, sixth form provision and a Coventry University campus.
Newly qualified teachers
As a newly qualified teacher looking for your first job in either primary or secondary, you will find our coastal community offers you the professional support, development and challenge you will be looking for.
As a newly qualified teacher, we want you to:
- continue to build confidence in yourself and your teaching which will lead to your class(s) to have confidence in themselves
- be self-aware and reflect on your practice and learn from fellow and more experienced practitioners
- be passionate, creative and bold as you embrace being a teacher who is responsible for children’s outcomes
You will benefit from:
- tailored Continuing Professional Development from your individual school, which will be linked to our wider coastal continuing professional development offer
- a challenging, supportive and structured induction programme delivered from partners which include Scarborough Teaching Alliance
- a joined up community network of fellow teachers (who have trained through all routes into teaching) who will provide support, encouragement and will reaffirm why your chose to teach!
- an area which has its own teaching school and research school which supports ongoing teacher development
Career teachers
You may be currently teaching in the same school that you trained in, looking for your first post of responsibility or be an experienced middle or senior leader looking for your next opportunity.
Our schools will offer you the professional challenge, supportive leadership and professional networks that you may be missing in your current role alongside being part of a community committed to our young people and their lives.
We can offer:
- national professional qualifications that will help you on your journey to become a future leader
- a school community who through our ‘coastal charter’ have all signed up to continue to develop and build a network of middle and senior leaders who collaborate together across the coast
- subject specialist ‘hubs’ where you will meet and collaborate with fellow aspiring and existing middle leaders whether you work in a trust or local authority school
Thank you for expressing interest in joining our coastal community. Please scroll below for all our Teaching, Support and Leadership roles, where you can click on a vacancy to see more information and how to apply.
Teaching positions ►
Alverton Community Primary School Class Teacher (based in Nursery)
Bishopton PRU English Teacher and Subject Leader
West Cliff Primary School Year 1 Teacher (ECT Friendly)
Glaisdale Primary School – KS2 Teacher in Charge
Senior leadership team positions ►
Support positions ►
King James School Cleaning Supervisor
Athelstan CP School Early Years Teaching Assistant
Whitby School Cover Supervisor
Craven Pupil Referral Service HLTA / ATA
Castleton & Glaisdale Primary Schools Administrator
Stakesby Primary Academy Holiday Club Assistants
Stakesby Primary Academy Holiday Club Coordinators
Norton CP School Cook – After School Club
Norton CP School Midday Supervisor
Brompton Hall School Senior Achievement Support Assistant
Other UK teaching jobs
All our coastal teaching roles will also be advertised on the new Department for Education Teaching Vacancies website which is a free service for all schools nationally to post their vacancies.