Killinghall Church of England Headteacher
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our Headteacher opportunity
Dear Applicant,
We are delighted that you are interested in applying for the role of Headteacher at Killinghall Church of England Primary School. We have provided what we hope is useful information to help you understand our school, its culture and our pupils. The role will be one in which you can develop your career whilst making a difference to the lives of our pupils, staff, families, and the community.
Killinghall is a thriving, successful and happy school. We were rated by Ofsted as ‘Good’ (with outstanding EYFS) in September 2022 and rated by SIAMS as 'Outstanding' in 2016.We are a school who are continually looking to improve, innovate and evolve through our Christian ethos whilst assuring high academic standards. We place the utmost importance on developing confident, thoughtful, and well-rounded young people. Against these solid foundations, we are looking for a new Headteacher to open the next chapter of our journey.
Our local area is rapidly expanding with several new housing developments within the school catchment area. This has meant that the school has nearly doubled in size over the last 6 years. The new developments have changed some of the demographics of the school with an increase in FSM and SEND noted. We also acknowledge the evolving academic landscape and to navigate these new chapters, our new Headteacher needs to be someone with vision, drive and ambition. They will recognise the skills of our staff and will build on their achievements and those of our pupils to ensure continuous improvement over the coming years. Ultimately, someone who is passionate about education and who will champion the needs of our impressive young people and staff.
The successful candidate will be a leader dedicated to making a difference and who will continue enhancing our teaching and learning and enriching the personal development of our young people. They will also have a critical role in ensuring all stakeholders promote and embody the vision for our school.
In return, we offer you a happy and supportive working environment with dedicated staff, supportive families, enthusiastic and motivated pupils and a committed and active governing body. We as governors work collaboratively and constructively with our Headteacher and are united in our commitment to the school and the responsibility we share for the school’s long-term success.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role please call Julie Crichton on 07816251317 or email Julie has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this key role.
You are warmly invited to visit us before applying to get a real sense of the special atmosphere of our school. Please see the advert for more contact details and you are encouraged to explore the school website to get a deeper feel for our school.
On behalf of the Governing Body, thank you again for your interest in Killinghall C.E Primary School and we look forward to receiving your application.
Yours faithfully
Becky Morrell and Marion McCormick
Co-Chairs of Governors
Our children and families are at the heart of our school so it is important to everyone at Killinghall School that you hear from our children, parents and carers:
- A Headteacher who is approachable and is always there for us; someone we can trust to sort things out - Year 6 Child
- Someone we can respect and respects us - a person who will take real actions to help us in all sorts of ways not just with learning but with life - Year 6 Child
- The school needs someone who will take responsibility for everyone and make sure that nothing gets in the way of our learning and fun; even when things go wrong like Covid and the flood - Year 6 Child
- Being firm but fair is important as then we can trust them - Year 6 Child
- Someone who is kind and caring and looks after us all - Year 5 Child
- A person who understands the children and will help with our worries and problems - Year 5 Child
- We need someone who knows us all and is funny and gets involved in everything - Year 4 Child
- Someone who really loves the school and all of us - a person who will look after everyone including the adults in school and our families -Year 4 Child
- Someone with a sense of humour who will have a laugh with us - Year 4 child
- A person who plans really fun things not just to do with work but other exciting activities too - Year 3 child
- Not a shouty person, someone who is kind and fair and explains things to us when we make mistakes - Year 3 child
- Someone who meets us all each morning when we get to school and makes sure we are ok - Year 3 Child
- They have to make EVERYONE happy and want to learn - Year 2 Child
- They need to make sure that the lessons are really exciting and that they know what we are doing so they talk to us about it - Year 2 Child
- We want someone who will really look after us and make us safe. - Year 1 Child
- They need to make sure that we are all kind to each other and still let the big boys and girls help us - Year 1 Child
To hear from our parents and more from the children please click here
Ofsted Recognised – “Leaders have created a highly inclusive school community where pupils are valued.” – Ofsted 2022
The school is situated in the heart of Killinghall, being approx. 2 miles out of Harrogate in one direction and Ripley, with its castle, in the other. This is a rapidly expanding local area with several new housing developments within the school catchment area. This has meant that the school has nearly doubled in size over the last 6 years. The new developments have changed the demographics of the school with an increase in FSM and SEND noted but despite the growth in pupil numbers, the school has maintained its small school, family feel.
Harrogate is a thriving Spa town and popular venue for a range of conventions, exhibitions and concerts. There is a regular bus service through Killinghall so it is easily accessed from all directions. A new ‘Local Tesco’ has opened and this is popular. The local church is a very short walk from the school.
The catchment area is large, originally being the few houses in Killinghall and the surrounding farms. Prior to the new housing developments, the school was able to accept children from other local out of catchment areas, especially the local Jennyfield/Killinghall Moor estate area.
A growing majority of children now come from within the catchment area of Killinghall; but a number continue to be drawn from Jennyfield, Killinghall Moor and the surrounding area – it is likely that in the future the school will become almost totally catchment based. Improved attainment along with parents wishing to send their children to a church school has meant that our intake has been consistently oversubscribed.
Three new classrooms and a KS2 library have been built to support the growth of the school.
Special Features and benefits of the school:
- A three-classroom expansion has meant the development of other spaces to allow two libraries in the school.
- A new Multi-Use Games area was installed last May, with a second EYFS outdoor learning area completed in November.
- The school also has a large playground, field and a large garden area consisting of 4 large raised beds, a poly tunnel and shed.
As recognised by our recent Ofsted:
- We are a highly inclusive school community where children have a strong sense of tolerance and equality.
- Pupils are valued and value each other.
- Pupil leadership is very strong and children have a voice in the school to make a difference.
- Children across the school have high aspirations for the future and are prepared for life in modern Britain.
- Children feel happy and safe and say that they can talk to any adult about a problem and know that it will be resolved.
- The Headteacher knows all the families well and is available every day on the playground – this is an expectation by parents and works well in proactively supporting children and families.
- ‘The Headteacher is tenacious when following up concerns about pupils’.
- ‘Leaders make sure that pupils and their families get the support they need’ Ofsted.
- All staff in school are employed by the school including music, PE and French Specialists – this enables our strong Christian ethos and pastoral care to flow through all areas of school life.
- Our teaching assistants run lunchtime cover and games as well as running our morning and after school wrap round clubs.
- We offer three after-school clubs each night run by teachers as well as the wrap round care. Ofsted commented on this wide-ranging offer.
- We have two strong choirs, both of whom sing in the community and support our links with local care homes and community charities.
- The school has led the Harrogate School’s Charity Concert in Harrogate Royal Hall for six years, this would be something that we would wish to continue moving forward.
Our house system ensures that our family feel and ethos shines through. Children regularly work in houses, share lunch in houses and have lunch playtimes in their houses. This along with Year 5 and 6 playleaders, librarians and digital leaders ensures that all age groups live and learn together at school. Lunchtime is a family time, with older children acting as table heads and supporting others – stories and music are a special part of lunch service.
Children in both year 4 and year 6 take part in residential trips each year. Trips, visits and exciting learning opportunities are sought to enhance the strong curriculum offer and to ensure that learning extends beyond the classroom.
Our strong community is built around an inclusive, open-door policy with a great many opportunities for our parents to visit school, work with the children and celebrate events and success together. We have strong links with the local Church, St Thomas’, and hold services there. Children also visit the church on a termly basis to extend curriculum learning and personal development.
The school has strong links with Harrogate Town Football Club – supporting reading, PE and leadership in school through the Premier Stars Scheme.
Our Pupils
The children in school possess strong values, centred on inclusion, friendship and growth of independence, which permeate the school.
Pupils enjoy coming to school because they have good relationships with staff. They gain healthy confidence as they know they will be well cared for at our school. A small minority of pupils come from very challenging backgrounds and have extra needs which we fully support in school.
Our children are happy and engaged in all aspects of school life. They are very proud of their school and visitors always comment that they are a delight to speak to. The school is driven by its family feel with older children acting as role models for the younger children. Parents comment on how lovely it is to see all age groups working and playing together.
Children behave well in class and are respectful of each other. If there are any issues, children know to speak to an adult and resolutions are quickly found. Children know the school values and uphold these each day.
Children are keen to be active citizens of the school, suggesting changes for improvement and initiating support for others through charity work.
Ofsted Recognised - “Most pupils behave well. They show kindness and consideration for others. Bullying is not a problem in the school. Pupils know that they can talk to any of the adults in school if they are worried about something. They are confident that adults will act quickly” - Ofsted 2022
Ofsted Recognised – “Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have full access to the curriculum. Teachers make adaptations to activities and resources to ensure that pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers. Skilled support staff contribute greatly to the inclusive culture that exists within the school. - Ofsted 2022
SIAMS Recognised - Children feel empowered and ‘pupil voice’ is given a high priority. They are provided with many opportunities to develop independence and resilience including the school council, the worship group, house captains, Eco and Fairtrade Committees, Safety Officers and playtime ‘buddies’. Older children are very positive about the benefits of working towards the Archbishop of York’s Young Leader Award. Children are described by parents as ‘happy, well-motivated and engaged’ - SIAMS 2016
Child wellbeing:
The emotional well-being of the children at the schools has always been a high priority and children are encouraged to talk in class and to their peers about their mental health. Mental health has continued to be of key importance as we come out of the Covid pandemic and activities, such as mindfulness, have been shared with the children. Online safety is also a key factor and regular information is shared with children and parents on how to stay safe on the internet.
Our staff are our greatest resource and are incredibly committed, talented, loyal, positive and hardworking. They always have the best interests of the pupils at heart and are determined to find something at which every child can shine. All our staff get to know the children in our school very well and use this information to personalise opportunities for learning and socialisation. There is strength and depth in relationships with everyone in the school working together to achieve the best outcomes.
Ofsted Recognised – “Teachers and staff know what the children can do very well. Staff make skilled use of questioning to develop children’s thinking. Activities are carefully designed to enable children to practise and refine skills, particularly their physical and social skills. Warm, nurturing relationships exist between staff and children” – Ofsted 2022
We have a seven class structure – each class being one year group.
Many subject leaders lead teaching in their own degree specialism. All teachers and senior leaders are subject leaders, including the Headteacher who currently teaches Year 6 Art. There would be an expectation for the new Headteacher to deliver a single teaching aspect each week.
The SLT is made up of the Headteacher and Assistant Head – both on Leadership spine, along with EYFS/KS1 & Reading Leader, along with Curriculum/PHSE Leader – both on TLR payments.
The Assistant Head role currently holds the SENCO role as part of it.
SLT all have allocated leadership time. Equally all teachers leading a subject have allocated slot each week for leadership.
Staff Structure:
- 1.0 Headteacher
- 1.0 FTE teacher is responsible for each class – there are no part time class teachers. (i.e. 7 class teachers)
- 0.6 FTE Sports teacher and PPA cover teacher (1.5FTE from Sports Premium)
- 0.4 Music specialist teacher
- 0.4 French specialist teacher
- 0.4 PPA teacher
- 1.0 x support assistant allocated per class – various hours.
- Our support staff are well trained and support both in class and with groups. All staff delivering phonics have had Read Write Inc training.
- The office is run by a job share Business Manager and an Administrator.
Meet our wonderful team here.
The Governing Body’s Role and Support
We have an active and engaged Governing Body whose members take their responsibilities seriously. They work collaboratively and constructively with our Headteacher and are united in their commitment to the school and the responsibility they share for the schools’ long-term success. As a Governing Body they meet regularly to ensure our children receive the best school experience possible, in safe supported environments.
Read more about our Governing Body here.
ENCOURAGING enjoyment and understanding of the world we live in.
INSPIRING everyone to flourish on their own individual learning journey.
OFFERING ourselves and believing that we can all make a difference.
As a Church School we have a strong Christian ethos, having strong links with St Thomas’ Church. Our Christian vision and values are at the core of all we do and thread through our daily lives and all learning. An exciting, broad and balanced curriculum is at the heart of our children’s education, including personal development and health and well-being. We ensure children know how to keep safe in the modern world, particularly with the ever-changing technological impact on social behaviour and work. We have a strong safeguarding culture that permeates all areas of school life.
Our curriculum intent and implementation is rooted in the school’s vision to encourage enjoyment, to inspire everyone to flourish and to believe we can all make a difference. The curriculum design aims to foster the children’s personal development and love of learning, with a passion about giving every child wide and varied opportunities and experiences
We promote kindness, mutual respect and tolerance throughout our school community. Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is intertwined in planning, both in and out of lessons. Collective worship is a special, reflective time in school that benefits children, both in the development of knowledge and in their understanding of Christianity and other religions. Resilience, self-belief and uniqueness are important messages that are constantly reinforced.
There is a real focus on supporting pupils’ mental health through a curriculum that includes significant personal development and well-being strategies to foster children’s confidence and understanding of self-compassion.
It has been important for us to maintain our strong family ethos as we have increased in size and pupil numbers. Leadership has listened to parents and children to ensure that we have maintained all that makes us ‘special’. We provide a caring and nurturing environment for the children and their families.
Physically the school is made up of the original older building and the new three class expansion as well as extensive outdoor areas. All areas are warm, colourful and welcoming as well as fully accessible to all children and visitors.
Please click here to read our Year Books. These are some of the best reflections of life in the school and our ethos.
Killinghall Church of England Primary School has been rated ‘good’ in its first full Ofsted inspection for 10 years. The school was rated by SIAMS as 'Outstanding' in 2016, the school are due an inspection in 2024.
The village school has doubled in size from 95 to 183 pupils since its last full inspection in 2012.
Inspectors praised the way it had coped with the challenges presented by rapid growth and said leaders had created “a highly inclusive school community where pupils are valued” and pupils “are happy and feel safe” – Ofsted 2022
SIAMS recognised - 'The school has worked hard to raise the visible profile of its Christian
distinctiveness with many examples of thought provoking displays and quiet areas such as the interactive
worship board, the learning lounge and reflection areas in all classrooms. When asked, children eagerly
describe their school as ‘special’ because it is a church school. According to one foundation governor,
‘children are put at the heart of all the school does’ - SIAMS 2016
The school was rated ‘good’ in five of the six areas assessed and ‘outstanding’ for early years provision.
The report in September 2022 recognises the significant strengths of the school. From the report, Ofsted are impressed with our ethos and that, most importantly, they confirmed that our pupils are happy and thriving. The overall response from parents was extremely positive and this was mentioned by the lead inspector and helped to confirm what she saw in action in school.
Ofsted have rigorous standards and the school was very thoroughly evaluated during the inspection. Quite rightly the inspection identified a couple of areas that we can improve upon and these were areas that we had already identified as our key priorities.
Key priorities and current areas identified for improvement:
- As pupil numbers increase – consistency in behaviour management
- SEND greater streamlining and smart targeting as a result of increasing pupil numbers.
- DT currently being developed more fully to come in line with the other strong areas offered
Main priorities of your School improvement plan:
- Leaders at all levels have a clear ambitious vision for providing high-quality education for all learners with the impact being that % of children achieving the expected standards in reading, writing and maths combined is at least in line with National average in KS1 and KS2, EYFS GLD, whilst also breaking down barriers for all children to enjoy learning within a rich and varied curriculum.
- To further enhance our curriculum, in line with the school’s vision to encourage enjoyment. To inspire everyone to flourish and believe that we can all make a difference and in doing so promote children’s deeper thinking and understanding to enable them to explain ‘how’ and ‘why they know’.
- Ensure that curriculum design continues to foster the children’s personal development and love of learning, with a passion about giving every child wide, valuable and varied opportunities and experiences.
- Develop early reading effectively in EYFS and Year 1 to maximise children’s opportunities as writers and readers as they move through the school. Plan effective ‘catch-up’ phonics and reading in Year 2 and Year 3. Introduce RW Inc spelling programme to offer consistency and fidelity across the whole school.
Current school strengths:
- Recent successful Ofsted
- EYFS – Outstanding Ofsted
- Personal Development – only just missed being judged as outstanding by Ofsted
- Safeguarding is very effective
- Strong, ambitious curriculum
- Many bespoke curriculum aspects which have had a significant impact on progress and consistency
- Leadership proactivity when working with families
- Pastoral care for everyone - Current HT knows all the families well and is visible to all. HT is involved in community events and integral in planning and leading events and activities.
- Extra-Curricular opportunities
- High quality CPD for all staff
- Pupil voice and leadership opportunities for all children
Future considerations:
- Academisation and alternative school structure is a standing agenda item at all Governing Body meetings. We stay informed and actively discuss our options – this would need to be in line with Diocese criteria for church schools.
- It is likely that pupil numbers will continue to increase up to 210 – this will change the demographics further.
- Challenge of recruiting support staff and wrap round care staff.
Current levels of pupil achievement, attainment and progress:
Children achieve well from starting points in all subjects. We are driven by pupil achievement in all areas and ensure that every child is given the chance to flourish in their own unique way.
- Children do well in reading – see Ofsted report.
- There is real strength in History, Geography, Music and Art – the curriculum is bespoke and strong. Children can talk about their learning and make links. Their knowledge is strong leading to good attainment.
- Maths attainment has improved markedly and the effective use of White Rose Maths along with a traffic light challenge system has supported this.
- A bespoke reading and writing curriculum based upon the principles of Jane Considine has improved the quality of writing across the school.
- DfE statutory results were above average in all tests in July 2022.
Demographic, needs and expectations of pupils:
At Killinghall our pupils are mainly white British. The ongoing changes in social status due to new housing developments is increasing the number of FSM pupils. Increasing numbers will continue into the future and that has an impact on classes as new pupils arrive at various times though the year.
We have many aspirational families with high expectations in terms of both academic and behaviour standards. A high percentage of children are from blended family backgrounds sometimes living between two homes, we provide pastoral support where needed.
Budgetary position:
A very positive current budget situation exists – positive outrun. Cost increases for staffing, resources and energy will impact this so continued careful management is needed.
SIAMS Recognised - 'Parents speak very warmly of the impact of the school’s
Christian nature which is made tangible in the care and support children and families receive from all
staff at the school. Parents describe the school as very inclusive, supportive and going beyond the
expected. This is particularly highlighted by one parent’s description of support provided by the
headteacher and staff during a period of family distress. Collective worship, RE, SMSC and prayer are acknowledged as important aspects of school life and there is an emphasis on Christian values to support this' - SIAMS 2016
We work closely in partnership with parents and carers for the benefit of each child.
Many parents/carers and local residents continue to be very engaged and support our school which has positive implications for the children. We communicate via the website, newsletters, email, and School Ping System. Parents attend parents’ evenings and information evenings in large numbers. Some parents are harder to reach but most will engage when we contact them.
Local Authority and School Improvement
We have strong relationships with our contacts at the LA and are able to access support. Staff are also made aware of training opportunities through the LA and our leaders and designated safeguarding lead attend LA organised meetings/training/networking sessions.
Associated Teaching School Alliance and relationship
Harrogate & Rural Teaching Schools – HART Alliance – member of the alliance and one of the original 12 schools who set this up. This now extends to over 60 schools.
Collaborative partnerships
We are part of a local cluster working with 5 Nidderdale schools sharing expertise and holding joint moderation meetings. For our school this has developed both teachers and leaders. In addition our leaders have led meetings and worked to improve middle leadership in other schools.
Support that will be available to the new Headteacher
- A thorough handover plan will be in place involving the current Headteacher – who has also agreed to be available in the autumn term if necessary
- Chairs of Governors will be available to support the new Headteacher
- The LA adviser will be available to support, along with the HART alliance team
- Diocesan adviser will provide proactive, ongoing support, a diocesan induction and training programme and opportunities for new heads to network.
Community/charity and Sponsorship
Killinghall is a Picture News Advocate School – we use the Picture News resources as part of the curriculum and in Worships. The stories often inspire children to take social actions i.e. fund raising for Ukraine, writing letters to MPs about climate change. The local MP visited school as a result.
The school’s regular charity activities are MacMillan Coffee mornings, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief and Poppy appeals as well as the annual sponsored ‘wellbeing walk/run as part of Race for Life.
Please click here to read more of our school’s community activities, networks, charity events and sponsorships
Killinghall is situated just 10 minutes away from the bustling market town of Harrogate, with easy access to shops and entertainment, as well as transport links to Leeds and York.
If you're willing to travel a little further afield you could visit the historical towns of Ripon and Knaresborough, both of which have bustling weekly markets and beautiful scenic surroundings.
For those looking for local pubs/restaurants, the recently refurbished “Curious Cow” and “Nelson Inn” are highly recommended along with the “Boar’s Head” in Ripley.
For those seeking a wider range of independent cafes, bars and restaurants, Harrogate has plenty to offer - including the flagship branch of Betty’s Tea Rooms.
The Yorkshire Dales National Park is under a 20 Minute drive away. The Deer Park is a great place for keen walkers, bike riders and explorers.
The historical landmark Ripley Castle is only a short drive away and makes for an exciting and educational day out. The Deer Park, located just next to the castle, gives visitors the chance to see these beautiful animals up close.
Harrogate is a Victorian spa town and rural district that contains the medieval city of Ripon, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and four charming but very different market towns; Boroughbridge, Knaresborough, Masham and Pateley Bridge.
In the heart of Yorkshire, this is your perfect base for a day, a weekend or a week. Indulge your passions and your senses and visit the Harrogate area for a memorable break. With such a varied range of events in Harrogate, you will find there is always something taking place to capture your interest
For a comfortable stay you will find a comprehensive range of accommodation in Harrogate offering something for everyone, from convenient and cosmopolitan townhouses to remote and idyllic country cottages.
Your visit can be as active or as indulgent as you like when you explore things to do in Harrogate. With the Yorkshire Dales on the doorstep there is plenty of scope for adventure activities during your stay, from mountain biking to rock climbing and abseiling, or just a bracing walk across the fells. Whatever your interests, let us inspire you to make more of your visit.
You can find out more here
Knaresborough is full of surprises, a warren of medieval streets and stone staircases that weave their way up and down the hill. The town centre is perched on the cliffs above the River Nidd and the imposing railway viaduct across the Nidd Gorge offers an amazing view to visitors as they arrive by train.
What’s best about Knaresborough?
There are plenty of things to do in Knaresborough all year round. The market place in the centre of the town offers a great place to enjoy a cup of tea or something delicious and home baked. On a Wednesday stalls fill the market place offering tasty produce, wholefoods, plants and flowers, as well as pretty much anything else you can imagine, in the ever-popular Knaresborough Market.
At the base of the cliffs on which the town sits, you will find a delightful promenade that traps the sun in summer, with a coastal feel despite being more than 60 miles from the sea making a great place to enjoy an ice-cream or indulge in the tradition English pastime of ‘simply mucking about in boats’.
You can find out more here.
Learn more about our Headteacher opportunity
Post: Headteacher, Killinghall Church of England (VC) Primary School, Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Number on Roll: 181
Commencing: September 2023
Salary: L13 £59, 558 – L21 £71,795
Contract Term: Permanent
We are a thriving, successful and happy Church of England primary school located within the village of Killinghall, approximately 2 miles from the spa town of Harrogate. The school is a voluntary church school within the Diocese of Leeds and is actively rooted in the Christian faith with strong community and church links. Our school has an excellent reputation as being a welcoming and inclusive school within its local and regional community, with 181 children currently on roll.
Our children, staff, parents, governing body and local community are proud of our school and we place the utmost importance on developing confident, thoughtful and well-rounded young people. Our school is focused on the development of the whole child, enabling each pupil to feel cherished and challenged to fulfil their potential in relation to academic and personal development within a supportive, family orientated environment where everyone cares for the well-being of each other.
In an evolving educational environment, your remit will be to maintain high standards by developing the school and partnering with the wider communities. You will ensure our school continues to challenge children to thrive in all aspects of school life, ensuring that pupil outcomes are maximised and standards are maintained and built upon.
Our Opportunity
This is a rewarding headship; you will be able to lead our school on to the next stage of its journey and to shape the way ahead. You must exhibit confidence, empathy and a clear focus on building a healthy workplace culture to benefit the wellbeing of the pupils and staff.
It will be a great opportunity to develop and implement effective strategies to maintain and raise standards and continually improve pupil attainment and progress. With a meticulous eye for detail, you must be able to support the diverse needs of pupils and the provision for each individual child, whilst maintaining the ability to balance budgetary constraints.
In particular, we are looking for an Headteacher who;
- Is skilled to lead, manage and motivate the whole school community and to lead by example, actively modelling and embedding the Christian vision and core Christian values of the school into all areas of school life.
- Possesses the experience, motivation and resilience to move us forwards and embrace any future challenges.
- Has an ability to work with subject leaders to continue to develop and implement a curriculum that is exciting and inspiring for pupils and staff.
- Has the wisdom to monitor children’s progress across all age groups and abilities and to support where necessary to ensure consistency.
- Is equipped to coach and mentor staff to support their continuous development in order that they can perform their roles in the most effective way possible.
- Has a proven track record of delivering high standards in learning and teaching.
- Is eager to promote a culture of continuous improvement, considering feedback from pupils, staff and parents.
- Can work innovatively within the resource constraints of a village school and deliver memorable experiences for children.
- Is enthusiastic, passionate and committed to the continued success of the school, improving the outcomes for all children and maintaining effective partnerships with parents/carers, the local community, the Local Authority and the Diocese.
We can offer you:
- A happy, caring and supportive school, with dedicated staff, supportive families and enthusiastic and motivated pupils.
- A school that is committed to continuous improvement through its Christian ethos to maintain its high academic performance.
An excellent opportunity to provide strategic leadership and direction, working collaboratively and constructively with the governing body to achieve this. - A small but thriving PTA who actively support the school, and parents who engage with the school and their children’s learning.
- A governing body that are committed to providing support on all matters including more sensitive or difficult issues - this includes the wellbeing of all staff members – and who are experienced, committed and passionate about our school and ensuring all children reach their potential.
- Support from the Local Authority, Diocese of Leeds, and a dedicated staff team. Pastoral support from parish clergy.
If you feel ready to be our next Headteacher and you can bring your experience, enthusiasm, commitment, and energy to deliver our vision to our children and motivated staff, we would love to hear from you.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role please call Julie Crichton on 07816251317 or email Julie has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this key role.
Key dates:
School visits by appointment only –Please click here to see the suggested dates and times for a visit to the school, then contact
Application closing date: Sunday 19th February
Shortlisting: Thursday 23rd February
Interviews: Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd March
When applying please take into account the following:
Supporting Documents
Supporting Information
The supporting information section of your application should clearly evidence your ability to meet the requirements we have outlined in the person specification (see campaign site). This will be used to shortlist applicants for this role and therefore it is imperative that you provide evidence as requested.
When completing your application, please provide two employment referees.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse community and aim to have a workforce reflecting this diversity. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
This post is subject to satisfactory references and enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check for work with children. An online search may be undertaken as part of the recruitment process on information available in the public domain. Candidates should disclose anything that may be relevant in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.
The advertise vacancies on behalf of schools and external organisations (third parties) in North Yorkshire. The Council are not responsible for the recruitment/employment practices of third parties and accept no liability in relation to the vacancy and any subsequent recruitment/employment processes