Thank you for your interest in Whitley and Eggborough Primary School's Headteacher Opportunity
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about the role of Headteacher at Whitley and Eggborough Primary School. At Whitley and Eggborough, we recognise the significance of the role of the Headteacher in shaping the future of our school. We understand the impact that the Headteacher has on the quality of teaching, the achievements of the pupils and the role of the school in our community. The outgoing Headteacher and the team around her have created a purposeful and fun learning environment where everyone is valued, expectations are high, and the children are provided with quality teaching within a broad and engaging curriculum.
The school has made tremendous progress towards our vision of excellence over the years, and we are seeking the right person to continue that journey. Our vision is that Whitley and Eggborough primary school develops confident young people who enjoy learning and strive to achieve the best. To provide each pupil with a safe and caring school community that promotes fairness, tolerance and respect.
Our school is a special place full of learning, laughter and friendship where everyone is happy, valued and feels safe. We aspire to equip our children with the skills, curiosity and resilience needed to continue learning throughout their lives. We are extremely proud of our community school. Here, children work hard and try their best, learn and are prepared for their future lives.
We are looking for someone who will recognise the skills of the staff and will build on their achievements and those of our pupils to ensure they continue to improve. We want someone who is passionate about education and who will champion the needs of our young people and their families.
We want a leader who is dedicated to making a difference, who will continue enhancing our teaching and learning, enriching the personal development of our young people, and ensuring everyone - staff, governors, and students - promotes and enables the vision for our school. It is important to all at Whitley and Eggborough Primary School that our new Headteacher has a friendly, outgoing personality with a positive outlook, has respect for difference and is passionate and committed to enabling learners to aim high.
Our school is extremely well supported by our Governing Board and fantastic PTA who are passionate about the development of our school and the aspirations of our school and children. The Governing Board has a wide range of skills and knowledge and will both support and challenge the new Head in driving forward our vision. This really is a tremendous opportunity for whoever is successful in becoming our new Headteacher.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role please call Julie Crichton on 07816251317 or email Julie has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this key role.
To arrange a school visit by appointment please see the advert for more details of who to contact, we would also encourage applicants to have a look at the school website to get a feel for our school.
On behalf of the governing body, thank you again for your interest in Whitley and Eggborough Primary School and we look forward to receiving your application.
Yours faithfully
Mark Haigh
Chair of Governors
Whitley and Eggborough Primary School provides a high standard of teaching for ALL children. Our children receive a well-balanced and fun curriculum education from experienced, committed, and particularly proven over the last 2 years, very adaptable teaching staff who ensure that they are well prepared for not only their next step in education but their future working lives in what is a diverse and continually changing world. Whilst we fully promote high levels of achievement, we base our learning from the very beginning in Reception to the final year in Year 6 on the principles that we all learn better when we:
- are enjoying learning
- are challenged and intrigued by learning
- can see a real purpose in the learning and have a sense of belonging by feeling part of our school family community
Our school is located next to the M62 and A19 giving excellent connectivity. In recent years both the villages of Whitley and Eggborough, which the school predominantly serves, have expanded, and continue to do so with small pockets of housing developments. A new industrial area is currently in the process of being built on what was the previous power station site. The village of Eggborough has a pub and a parade of shops including a general store, bakery, hairdressers, and butchers. There is also a post office, a village hall and several businesses located on an industrial estate. The villages have a mix of housing ranging from flats to executive housing. The school also serves outer lying villages with a school bus collecting/dropping off the children.
Catchment Area:
Both Whitley and Eggborough villages are within the school catchment area with approximately 84% of the children on roll living there. The other 16% of pupils are from outer lying villages/areas such as Womersley/Kellington/Beal/Hensall/Askern.
Special Features and benefits of the school:
In this academic year the school transferred the Breakfast/Afterschool facility from being run in-house to an external provider which has been a great success. This is run from the Annexe building which is on the school grounds but is standalone so parents/staff can access the building directly.
Our school consists of 9 generous sized classrooms, a main hall, a separate dining hall, a large recently refurbished kitchen with meals cooked fresh every day, a modern staffroom and refurbished toilet facilities throughout the majority of the school. Externally there is a large playground, field and woodland area. The Early Years classrooms have their own, generous outdoor space with a canopy, large, paved area, mud garden and artificial grass area. The Year 1 classroom also has a small outdoor, paved space with outdoor equipment.
The school offers a residential visit yearly to Robinwood for children in Years 5 and 6 which takes place over a weekend and there is a one night residential and Year 4 children to Bogglehole. Throughout the year children have the opportunity to go on visits which link into the curriculum, such as York with the Castle Museum.
Children have the opportunity to be part of a school council, an eco-committee and are given responsibilities such as fruit monitors, librarians, merit point monitors, litter pickers and general duties as required, for example watering the plants.
The school is part of a cluster of schools for sports competitions which are held regularly, usually at a High school in Selby. Clubs night is offered to children one day a week which change termly with a nominal charge. A sports clubs is also offered by the external Sports Coach who is bought in to help provide quality PE teaching.
At the end of each academic year the Year 6 children take part in a production which they invite parents to attend. Year 6 also have ‘Whitleyfest’ in their last week at the school which is held on the school field. Parents/carers/families are very supportive of events with most families attending.
The PTA is very active at raising funds by holding discos/fayres/selling ice lollies or take away food during the summer months and they use some of the funds raised to provide the whole school with transport to visit a Pantomime at a theatre in December and also to buy all the Year 6 children a leavers hoodie.
The school motto is Caring, Helping and Sharing with a dragon known as Chas. Each class has their own Chas and children have the opportunity to take it home at the end of the week If they have done something which was caring, helping or sharing.
Our Pupils
As soon as the children join our school they are set consistent expectations on behaviour and CHaS (Caring, Helping and Sharing) is very much instilled in the whole school ethos. The children thrive in this environment and their behaviour is exemplary. The vast majority of children enjoy coming into school - they are happy, polite and are engaged and are extremely welcoming to visitors/new starters. Children care about each other and play very well together.
They are keen to do their best and achieve. Pupils respond well to strong confident teaching. There are an increasing number of families from more complex home situations which means that there needs to be strong leadership of safeguarding and attendance. The Headteacher needs to be able to support pupils and families in more challenging circumstances.
Pupils enjoy coming to school because they have good relationships with staff. They gain healthy confidence as they know they will be well cared for at our school. Pupils behave well in class and are respectful of each other. If there are any issues, children know to speak to an adult and resolutions are quickly found. Children know the school values and uphold these each day.
Ofsted Recognised – “Pupils demonstrate the school’s CHAS values of caring, helping and sharing in lessons, at playtime and when speaking to adults. They engage weekly in the Whitley Woodland Project. This supports learning opportunities in the outdoors. Pupils behave calmly. Pupils are polite and articulate. They say that the way teachers deal with rare unacceptable behaviour is fair. Pupils know what bullying is and say that teachers are good at sorting it out if it happens. They know to tell a teacher if they have a problem. Children in the early years play games together, take turns and share resources well” - Ofsted 2022
Child wellbeing:
The emotional well-being of the children at the school has always been a high priority and children are encouraged to talk in class and to their peers about their mental health. Mental health has continued to be of key importance as we come out of the Covid pandemic and activities, such as mindfulness, have been shared with the children. Online safety is also a key factor and regular information is shared with children and parents on how to stay safe on the internet.
Our staff are our greatest resource and are incredibly committed, talented, loyal, positive and hardworking. They always have the best interests of the pupils at heart and are determined to find something at which every child can shine. All our staff get to know the children in our school very well and use this information to personalise opportunities for learning and socialisation. There is strength and depth in relationships with everyone in the school, working together to achieve the best outcomes and work as a team and without fail support one another.
Leadership structure of the school is:
- Headteacher
- Deputy Headteacher
- School Business Manager
Staff and Classes:
- There are 8 classes in the 23/24 academic year – Reception/Year 1/Year 2/Year 3/Year 3/4 /Year 4/5 Year 5/6 and Year 6.
- There are currently 12 teachers (11.8 FTE) with 3 x covering maternity leave). All subjects are covered with a subject lead. Subject Leadership time is provided to ensure they are able to monitor the delivery and content of their subject.
- There are currently 2 x ECT teachers, both in their second year of teaching and both covering maternity leave. The three staff on maternity leave will be returning with this academic year with one returning after Autumn half term.
- There are a mix of other teachers ranging from point 3 to UPS 2.
- An Inclusion Manager is the DSL and SENDCo and does not have their own class.
Support Staff:
11 x Teaching Assistants are deployed as and where needed but have a class base. Three classes have children who require 1:1 support. 2 x Teaching Assistant support part time, one of whom also supports with the website/displays/running school council and eco committee.
Every morning Read, Write, included is delivered throughout Reception/Key Stage 1 in small groups and Teaching Assistant’s deliver this programme.
1 x HLTA works full time throughout the school day covering PPA and a Teaching Assistant provides further relief HLTA cover in classes as and when needed.
There are 2 x administrators in the office, both of whom cover the office throughout the week but are part-time and the School Business Manager.
Lunchtime cover is provided with a total of 12 x Midday Supervisory Assistants, most of whom are employed as Teaching Assistant’s and 3 x employees who work lunchtime only.
Meet and read more about our wonderful staff here.
The Governing Body’s Role and Support
The Governing body are very committed to the whole school community. Governors meet monthly to monitor progress and provide strategic leadership. Each Governor has designated areas of responsibility. There are regular governor visits to the school with governors working with staff to ensure that they have a clear understanding of developments in their subject areas.
Meet and read more about our Governing Body here.
Whitley and Eggborough Primary School is a very welcoming place. Our values - CHaS - Caring, Helping and Sharing - are embedded throughout the school and form part of weekly celebration assemblies.
We believe the key to successful learning is to work in partnership with parents and the community to provide a happy, safe, secure environment in which all children are encouraged to work towards their individual potential.
Our vision is for all members of the school community to work together to develop happy, confident and enthusiastic children who thrive in a stimulating and exciting environment – an environment where there is mutual respect so that each child develops a lifelong love of learning.
We aim to:
- Deliver high quality teaching that enthuses and inspires all children. Provide a safe, stimulating and caring environment where children feel happy and can achieve their full potential.
- Encourage independence and teach the children to be co-operative, respectful, caring and honest individuals who have questioning, enquiring minds and take responsibility for their own actions.
- Encourage self-expression, where children help to influence the direction of given aspects of the school.
- Value the contribution of each and every member of the school community encouraging self-discipline and mutual respect.
- Aspire to personal excellence and achievement for all. We intend that our children leave us with a good grounding in basic skills, knowledge, attitudes and values, which together will support their future economic and social wellbeing.
We will be proactive in promoting equality and good relations and tackling unlawful discrimination. We will encourage our children to lead a healthy and active lifestyle and we will provide a range of opportunities for them to do so.
please read more here.
Ofsted 2022 - Rated the school (Good)
Current areas identified for improvement:
- To ensure our curriculum is well sequenced and matches closely to our assessment systems
- To ensure that subject leader’s and middle leadership’s are confident in their understanding of their subject areas
- For leaders to identify the essential knowledge for pupils to remember in the wider curriculum to enable children to build on what they already know.
From Ofsted 2022: Main areas of development within the current school improvement plan are:
- Curriculum development- in line with OFSTED recommendations
- To improve outcomes in reading for all pupils (particularly in LKS2) with a focus on vocabulary and inference
- To improve outcomes in Maths for all pupils with a focus on applying Maths with a reasoning and problem-solving approach
Future Considerations
There is no current plan to move the school away from being a maintained school. Actively marketing each year to increase pupil numbers – many new houses being built in local area. Opened originally in 1877, the school was extensively rebuilt in the early 1970's and was recently further extended in 2011. Stable levels of staff with very little turn over – no major changes planned.
Make-up, needs and expectations of pupils
There are a number of children who come from out of catchment from the surrounding authorities. The vast majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds however in recent years the school is increasingly attracting families from Eastern Europe. A percentage of children live in areas with households with up to 40% deprivation. The mobility of children in the school is less than 10%.
Current school strengths:
- Strengths- a well-established rigorous phonics scheme RWI
- Strong reading culture throughout school. Pupils have a real love of reading which can be seen throughout school.
- A school with excellent behaviour and enthusiastic and polite children who have a real love of learning.
- CHAS (Caring, Helping and Sharing) values which can be seen in all aspects of school life.
- A strong safeguarding culture which is consistent throughout school.
- Opportunities for pupils to learn about the wider world through our mission curriculum which is designed to ensure pupils apply their learning to real life, current situations.
- A well established and embedded Maths curriculum.
Current levels of pupil achievement, attainment and progress:
Please click here to view the data.
Budgetary position:
The budget has a good carry forward of £239.3k but with an in-year deficit of - £34.1k in 23/24. The 3-year projection is an in-year deficit of -£144.6k and an overall deficit of -£37.1k. The budget is reviewed and monitored at least six times per year and the projection changes frequently. The 3-year projection is based on a smaller roll with the same level of support staff currently in position. Prior to the budget being allowed to go into deficit this will be reviewed, and adjustments made accordingly with the information known at the time.
Relationships with parents and carers are good and we use of online comms with School Jotter and Parent Mail. We all work hard to maintain good partnership with parents and carers for the benefit of each child. Many parents/carers and local residents continue to be very engaged and support our school which has positive implications for the children. Most families attend parents’ evenings and school events.
We are very fortunate at our school to have a PTA which is and has been such an integral part of the school community for many years. In its time, the PTA have raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities within the school.
Our school has an annex that is used for community events, and main school hall leased to local organisations. We have regular school performances for parents at Christmas end of term(s).
Termly School discos and fayres hosted in school.
However, it’s more than just fundraising, the PTA exists to provide closer links between school and home life, it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of our school and helps us work towards a common goal which will ultimately benefit our children.
PTA objectives:
- Develop and maintain effective relationships between the staff, parents and other organisationsassociated with school
- Organiseevents and activities to raise essential funds which then helps to provide equipment and projects for your children
- To enhance the social and educational aspects of the whole school
- Hold & run events for the enjoyment of the children, their families, and the wider community
Local Authority and School Improvement
The school has a positive relationship with the Local Authority. The Local Authority currently are the main providers of support and accountability for the school. During this time Safeguarding and Attendance are monitored along with support for current school improvement priorities.
Staff are also made aware of training opportunities through the LA and our leaders and designated safeguarding lead attend LA organised meetings/training/networking sessions.
Support that will be available to the new Headteacher
- A thorough handover plan will be in place
- Chairs of Governors will be available to support the new Headteacher
- The LA adviser will be available to support
North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire is England's largest county and one of the most rural. The area comprises the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors, three areas of outstanding natural beauty, the Pennines and a stunning coastline around Scarborough and Whitby. There are ruined castles and abbeys, serene gardens, unique breweries, thrilling rides and industrial heritage. The area hosted the phenomenal Tour de France in 2014 and has since created the Tour de Yorkshire, an annual event with global recognition. Our success in supporting these events led to Harrogate hosting the UCI Cycling World Championships in 2019.
North Yorkshire has plenty to offer the outdoor enthusiast. From the hard gritstone of Almscliff and Brimham rocks to the limestone of Malham, Gordale and Kilnsey climbing venues are in abundance. The Yorkshire Dales is the premier area for caving and for mountain biking; there are the bridleways of the Dales and North York Moors as well as the renowned trail centre at Dalby Forest. There are a small number of sailing clubs on reservoirs around the county and fantastic surf sport venues and sea kayaking on the east coast.
While the county is rightly known for its wide-open spaces, it also incorporates attractive market towns including Pickering and Helmsley, traditional seaside towns, the Spa town of Harrogate and the ancient city of York. There are a wide range of shopping, leisure and cultural facilities as well as excellent schools, universities, road and rail links, there really is everything to offer you and your family as a place to work, live and enjoy!
Travelling further afield we have convenient connectivity, with close proximity to metropolitan cities of Leeds and Newcastle, with little over two hours commute on the main train line to London. We border the Lake District, Lancashire, County Durham, and Yorkshire & Humber regions with all they have to offer.
Learn more about Whitley and Eggborough Community Primary School Headteacher opportunity
Whitley and Eggborough Primary School, North Yorkshire
Post: Headteacher
Number on Roll: 216
Commencing: January 2024
Salary: L11 - £60,488 – L18 - £71,729
Contract Term: Permanent
Whitley and Eggborough is a friendly, welcoming, child-centred primary school, which predominantly serves the beautiful villages of Whitley and Eggborough in North Yorkshire. We provide a safe and purposeful environment, within which each pupil is valued and motivated to strive for excellence. At Whitley and Eggborough we see the diversity in our community as a strength of the school and we aim to ensure that every pupil is challenged and supported to achieve. Our school is located on J34 of the M62 and A19, providing excellent transport links.
Our Opportunity
As Headteacher at Whitley and Eggborough you will be leading a team of motivated, enthusiastic and skilled staff, fully committed to moving the school forward on the next stage of our journey towards excellence.
It is an exciting opportunity for the new Headteacher who, as a dynamic, innovative, and experienced professional, will lead the school to develop and implement effective strategies to maintain and raise standards and continually improve pupil attainment and progress. With a meticulous eye for detail, you must be able to support the diverse needs of pupils and the provision for each individual child, whilst maintaining the ability to balance budgetary constraints.
Your remit will be to raise standards by developing the school, teaching and learning, with an ability to effect change at pace and to work collaboratively with colleagues, in the school, across the school, and with the wider community whilst also create new opportunities for the school.
About You
To be successful, you must be able to demonstrate success in raising standards or leading a significant whole-school development, you must also have recent school senior leadership experience and be committed to providing the children with a high-quality education. You will be someone who will actively model and promote the school’s values (CHaS) of Caring, Helping and Sharing), EDI and Whitley and Eggborough’s collective determination that no child should be ‘left behind’.
In particular, we are looking for an Headteacher who will;
- Be a committed leader with excellent interpersonal skills who can motivate and manage all stakeholders, effectively shaping and delivering the strategic plan.
- Have strong experience of managing collaborative approaches to the curriculum
- Be an inspirational and dynamic leader who actively encourages and respects the views of others
- Have a continuing drive to reflect, learn and strive for positive development, for themselves, their staff team, the children and our school as a whole.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the needs of young people, social, physical and emotional alongside educational needs, and ensure that the school provides a rounded provision to nurture them.
- Have a strong understanding of removing the barriers for disadvantaged learners; the skill of ensuring that the more vulnerable children make strong progress in their learning.
- Be collaborative and outward looking, developing partnerships for the benefit of the school and the wider educational community.
- Demonstrate superb leadership skills with the ability to challenge robustly and constructively.
- Have a proven ability to analyse and communicate complex data and written information
- Be someone who recognises the importance of maintaining the school’s existing values while instilling their own leadership and identity.
- Have a thorough understanding and experience of school self-evaluation and school improvement planning
- Be an outstanding teaching practitioner able to set and achieve ambitious goals, continually seek to raise standards by developing staff and ensure quality of teaching and learning and to develop a clear vision to move the school towards excellence and continue its further improvement
- Consider and shape how we can adapt our practices innovatively to promote and enhance the wellbeing of our staff team.
- Be someone who is capable of and confident in making difficult decisions and asking challenging questions in order to seek the best possible outcome for our school as a whole.
- Be able to review our financial resources and look at how we invest in our school.
We can offer you:
- A happy, caring and supportive school, with dedicated staff, supportive families, enthusiastic and motivated pupils and support from the local authority.
- A school that is committed to continuous improvement through its ethos to maintain its high academic performance.
- An excellent opportunity to provide strategic leadership and direction, working collaboratively and constructively with the governing body to achieve this.
- A thriving PTA who actively support the school, and parents who engage with the school and their children’s learning.
- A governing body that are committed to providing support on all matters including more sensitive or difficult issues - this includes the wellbeing of all staff members – and who are experienced, committed and passionate about our school and ensuring all children reach their potential.
If you feel ready to be our next Headteacher and you can bring your experience, enthusiasm, drive, commitment, and energy to deliver our vision for our wonderful children and motivated staff, we would love to hear from you.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role please call Julie Crichton on 07816251317 or email Julie has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this key role.
Key dates:
School Visits: School visits are invited, to arrange a visit by appointment only please contact – Diane on -
Application closing date: Midnight, Sunday 15th October
Shortlisting: Thursday 19th October
Interviews: Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th October
When applying please take into account the following:
Supporting Documents
Supporting Information
The supporting information section of your application should clearly evidence your ability to meet the requirements we have outlined in the person specification (see campaign site). This will be used to shortlist applicants for this role and therefore it is imperative that you provide evidence as requested.
When completing your application, please provide two employment referees.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse community and aim to have a workforce reflecting this diversity. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
This post is subject to satisfactory references and enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check for work with children. An online search may be undertaken as part of the recruitment process on information available in the public domain. Candidates should disclose anything that may be relevant in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.
North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) advertise vacancies on behalf of schools and external organisations (third parties) in North Yorkshire. NYCC are not responsible for the recruitment/employment practices of third parties and accept no liability in relation to the vacancy and any subsequent recruitment/employment processes.