Thank you for your interest in Springwater School's Headteacher Opportunity
Dear Applicant,
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our exciting Headteacher opportunity which has arisen due to the early retirement of our long-serving Headteacher, Sarah Edwards. I am proud to be Chair of Governors at Springwater School which provides a nurturing and inclusive environment to our diverse community of pupils aged 2-19, all of whom have a range of learning difficulties.
Situated on the outskirts of the beautiful spa town of Harrogate, this is a unique opportunity to lead our school as we embark on an exciting period of change as we build additional resource and expand by an additional 45 places commencing September 2025, and also look to academise.
We want your skills as an inspiring, reflective and principled leader to lead us through the next stage of our journey; to enhance our curriculum and pedagogy and enrich further the personal development of our young people. This ensures everyone across our school community – pupils, staff and governors - achieve their potential.
It is important to all at Springwater that our new Headteacher has a friendly, outgoing personality with a positive outlook, respect for difference; and is committed to enabling learners to aim high, all whilst strategically leading the school through an exciting period of change.
We have gathered lots of useful information to help you understand Springwater, its culture and our students. We hope the position will be one in which you can develop your career whilst making a difference to the lives of our children and young people, families and staff.
To discuss the role informally, please call Sarah Hunter on 07816 251271 or email sarah.hunter@north.yorks.gov.uk. To get a feel for our school, we would also encourage applicants to have a look at the school website as well as arranging a visit by appointment. Such a visit is not part of the selection process, and whether applicants have visited will not influence the outcome.
On behalf of the governing body, thank you again for your interest in Springwater School and we look forward to receiving your application.
With best wishes,
Shelagh Morris OBE
Chair of Governors
Springwater School is a Special School which caters for pupils aged 2 - 19 years. Pupils have severe, complex and multiple learning difficulties.
We are situated on the outskirts of Harrogate in the suburb of Starbeck, which benefits from excellent connections into Harrogate, Knaresborough and the wider local area as the school is a few streets away from the local station. Leeds and York can both be reached easily by regular trains making it ideal for a short commute.
There are plenty of amenities in the immediate vicinity of the school, including a swimming pool, gym, shops and garages. Further afield but within a ten-minute drive are very good leisure centres, gyms, schools and the local restaurants and bars in either Harrogate or Knaresborough.
There is easy access to green spaces, walks and nature and RHS Harlow Carr is a short journey away. There are extensive housing developments locally – particularly in Knaresborough, Boroughbridge and Kirk Hammerton.
Features and Benefits of our School
We are lucky to benefit from being located on a High Street providing excellent connections to the community in the form of shops, walks, the park, the pool, work experience and local cafes. The very good bus and train access to Harrogate and Knaresborough means that pupils can access wider facilities in the locality readily and be back in time for lunch or their journey home! This allows for a diverse and community-based curriculum.
The school estate has recently benefitted from the acquisition of an ex-children’s centre situated in a Victorian two-storey over the road from its main site. This provides workspace for two administrators and three sixth form classes.
In addition, our site has the following accommodation to enable an enriching curriculum:
- Interaction Zone - housing a range of sensory and interactive hi-tech equipment
- Early years provision with outdoor learning area
- Play equipment which is accessible
- Trampoline
- Swimming Pool
There is a further estate development plan in place and the school will expand its roll by 45 pupils, commencing in 2025. The estate will consist of a converted council building which wraps the south side of the playground and a separate council building situated to the side of the playground. The whole campus will be connected – with the playground forming a central quad.
Our Pupils
Our pupils are engaging, friendly and the centre of everything that we do. The school population is extremely diverse, with pupils who are reliant on adults to meet all their needs, through to those who are working towards independence and employment in the sixth form. They have a wide range of challenges and SEND: these can be medical and care needs, behavioural needs arising from their diagnoses, such as autism or social challenges arising from their circumstances or conditions. Most of the pupils have several over-lapping needs and the expert staff team are trained and supported to meet these needs daily.
Ofsted recognised:
“Staff and leaders have a holistic approach to managing behaviour, which is extremely effective. It includes working closely with pupils on how they communicate and manage their emotions. Staff are highly skilled at picking up signs that a pupil feels anxious or unsettled. This means that they can often prevent pupils from going into crisis.”
Our pupil make up consists of the following:
Primary Need
There are some pupils who attend on an assessment basis, usually a time limited period of several weeks. This may be the case where the nature of their needs are not yet clear, they do not yet have an Education Health and Care Plan or where they are moving into the area from a different country/Local Authority. The assessment placement is reviewed following the agreed period of weeks. This review will usually involve an Assessment and Reviewing Officer, school staff, the parents or carer and any other member of the multi-disciplinary team who have been involved in the assessment period. We are always open to discussion about how we can meet the needs of a very wide range of learners including those with medical, physical and behavioural challenges associated with Autism.
Finally, we view our offer for pupils from 2-19 as being a key benefit to our pupils, ensuring many pupils can remain with us for the whole of their school career and enable us to fully support transition into adulthood.
Current staff makeup
Our staffing team consists of 17 teachers across 15 classes (15.6 FTE), as follows: Headteacher and Deputy Head (1.9 FTE), Primary x5 (4.5 FTE), Secondary x 5 (4.2 FTE) and Sixth Form x5 (5 FTE). They are supported by a team of 64 support staff (50.2FTE), and 6 non-teaching support staff (5.06 FTE).
Senior Leadership
Our team of talented staff is led by senior leadership which consists of the Headteacher, Deputy Head Teacher who is responsible for safeguarding, curriculum and assessment, and three Heads of Department with responsibility for primary, secondary and sixth form provision. Our Headteacher and Deputy Head have small teaching commitments, mostly to provide cover. Our Heads of Department teach for three days and have two days leadership and PPA release time.
This is a well-established team who have worked together for several years and through the pandemic. The team meet weekly for a leadership team meeting on Monday after school and then again first thing on a Tuesday morning. The approach is collaborative and aims to support each colleague.
The wider staffing team
Springwater staff aim to meet pupil needs first and foremost. Each teacher in our school holds an area of curriculum responsibility – led by an overarching approach through the Deputy Head. Some teachers develop a speciality/preference and therefore become skilled in this area – such as EYFS, or sixth form teaching. Each class is supported by an experienced team drawn from 64 support staff consisting of HLTAs, ATAs, GTAs and Pupil Support Assistants (PSAs).
Our HLTAs are either 1:1 appointments due to specific pupil needs, or one per department for PPA release time; our ATAs cover at least one per department to meet pupil medical and care needs and there is at least one GTA per class. There are several PSAs per primary and secondary phases.
We have an assessment and review officer who leads on all the administration associated with admissions, consultations for places and on the EHCP process. She supports the Business Manager with funding applications. Our HR Manager provides very good support for all our staff.
Staff are trained in specialised areas such as rebound therapy and autism, with some staff as trainers of specialised programmes such as MOVE, Communication Aids and Team Teach (a preventative and physical intervention approach).
Staff have opportunities to develop professionally through a programme at school, which includes a thorough induction. Staff also access relevant training through the nursing team and other professionals. Staff identify their training and development needs through the performance development process and can access relevant training opportunities provided by other experts.
We are proud of our good retention levels and feel that our positive work environment, in addition to our training and induction offer which is valued by staff. We are keen to develop further progression routes for teachers, as these are not always available.
Ofsted recognised:
Leaders have very high expectations of how well staff look after the pupils in their care. Pupils are given highly personalised support by a team of very caring staff. Staff ensure that pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life.
The Governing Body
The school is supported by a dedicated team of Governors, who bring a wide variety of expertise. Our Governors are invested in supporting the new Headteacher as the school transitions to the next phase of its journey.
Ofsted recognised:
“Governors provide excellent support and challenge. They place the well-being of pupils front and centre when overseeing the school’s work. Governors carefully check that agreed improvements uphold this core value. They keep a close eye on staff workload and well-being.”
Our mission is:
To strive to create and continually develop an exciting and challenging curriculum tailored to each pupil in a safe learning environment with the use of specialized facilities and approaches. Teaching and learning focus on gaining key skills and, where possible, independence. Pupil health and well-being, and their right to a voice, are prioritised and placed at the centre of all we aim to achieve. Our expert staff have high expectations for pupils and work in close partnership with pupils, their families/carers/key professionals and the local community to help pupils achieve their greatest potential.
Our Vision is to Aspire, Challenge and Empower (ACE)
All pupils access outstanding specialist teaching and facilities personalized to their individual learning needs, within a happy, confident, proud, and growing school. Pupils make significant progress throughout their school career and make a successful transition to adulthood.
As such, our Values are:
Achieve - Empower all to achieve their full potential
Self Esteem - To develop self-esteem, enabling confident, proud and thriving individuals
Positivity - Ensuring a vibrant, confident proactive and encouraging school culture
Inclusive and friendly - A welcoming, inclusive, friendly, supportive, and culturally diverse community
Respect and dignity - Building respectful relationships in which all are treated with dignity
Enjoyment - Creating fun, friendships, and enjoyable learning memories
Strategic Objectives:
Objective 1 - At Springwater School we will offer a vacant placement to a SEND child and/or young person whose special educational needs are life long, severe and complex and support them and their family during their learning journey.
Objective 2 - At Springwater School pupils will achieve their potential, developing their engagement with their world and their voice as they prepare for adulthood.
Objective 3 - At Springwater School we will continue to value the skills and well-being of our staff and invest in their career development.
Objective 4 - At Springwater School we will plan and develop a sustainable future.
We were delighted with our most recent Ofsted report from June 2022:
Overall effectiveness - Good
The quality of education - Good
Behaviour and attitudes - Outstanding
Personal development - Outstanding
Leadership and management - Outstanding
Sixth-form provision - Outstanding
This is just a small aspect of our Report recognising our provision:
“Personal development is exceptionally strong, including spiritual, moral, social, and cultural learning. Leaders have identified the essential knowledge that pupils need for their well-being and safety. For example, pupils learn about how their bodies change as they grow up, as well as how to travel safely. Pupils remember this knowledge because the curriculum is carefully sequenced and revisited at the start of every new term. Pupils also take part in a wide range of lunchtime clubs. The work experience programme prepares pupils well for their next steps in employment.”
School Data
Our most recent school progress data for our secondary phase can be found here.
Further information is available on the school website.
The annual budget 2023/24 is 3,147,300. Budget projection for 2024/25 is 3,171,600 and for 2025/26 is 3,213,900i. (Note the figure for 2025/26 does not take account of any increase in school roll which is due to commence in September 2025.)
The budget is finely balanced and the business manager, head teacher and the Governors have worked hard in the financial year 2023/24 to reduce the deficit. Recent monitoring and a revised budget show that the deficit is now predicted to be -£77K – a vast improvement on the figures set in the April 2023 start budget where the deficit was predicted to be several hundred thousand.
The capital budget is over-spent due to the kit out of the ex-children’s centre post Covid. There is a five-year plan to clear this deficit. The school is currently nearing the end of the second year of repayments.
Future plans, once the new building is in place, will be to increase sixth form class sizes. The increase in the school roll is also predicted to support the future financial sustainability of the school, as is the predicted academisation of the school in 2024.
Our curriculum offer is personalised to each pupil to ensure they can fulfil their full potential across three pathways, pre-formal, semi-formal and formal. Staff are adept at recognising and these small but critically important steps in learning. Pupils may move from one pathway to another according to their needs. In addition, pupils may straddle two pathways for some or all their time at school, particularly if they have an uneven learning profile. Teachers in each pathway recognise the importance of repetition and over-learning to allow pupils to embed and generalise what they learn.
In key stage four and in the sixth form pupils access a range of accreditation pathways. These include the John Muir Award, I can Lead! Sports Qualifications, The Q Arts Award, Asdan Personal Progress and Asdan PSD qualifications and Functional Skills qualifications for the most able pupils. Access to a broad range of accreditations, including a work experience programme, leads to successful transitions for post-19 pupils, including some who are now in employment.
Ofsted recognised:
“Provision in the sixth form is excellent. The vast majority of students join from other schools. Strong transition arrangements help new students make a flying start. The sixth-form curriculum is very well planned. It prepares students for adulthood very effectively. The curriculum includes life skills such as shopping and cooking, as well as important knowledge about how society works. Students also take courses that lead to accreditation. Students in the sixth form are incredibly positive about their experiences of school.”
Many sports are offered which engage and include pupils with a variety of special needs, with sports partnership specialist events. We also use ICT Technology such as iPads and touch screens with specialist programmes such as:
- Cause and effect programmes
- Communication apps for pupils with specific speech and language needs
- Specialist designed programmes e.g. Communicate in Print which creates and adapts text for pupils who need symbols
- Laptops and iPads for pupils’ curriculum use
- Plasma Screen which is fully accessible to pupils who need it to be positioned very close, or at a different angle or level.
- Eye Gaze equipment (on loan from Speech and Language Services)
In addition, there are MOVE trainers in school who develop programmes for improving movement for pupils with physical needs. We have a specialised curriculum for PMLD students.
Ofsted recognised:
“The curriculum enables pupils with diverse needs to gain knowledge and skills across broad areas of learning. These areas include creative arts, literacy, numeracy and understanding of the world. For example, over time, pupils develop their knowledge about where the school is located…. The curriculum also enables pupils to develop their physical and emotional skills. For instance, pupils work with external dance teachers and football coaches.
Senior leaders have very high ambitions for how well all pupils communicate, including those with profound and multiple learning needs. Teaching staff work closely with expert speech and language therapists. As a result, they are highly skilled at initiating techniques that enable pupils to communicate and extending the range of ways in which pupils communicate. For example, they support pupils with profound and complex needs to use switches to indicate choices. Teachers and assistants seamlessly weave targets from pupils’ education, health, and care plans into the content they teach.”
Following our 2022 Ofsted, our School development Plan outlines our ambitions and priorities across the next couple of years as we expand and seek to integrate into a multi-academy Trust.
Short Term Priorities:
- To establish the newly implemented assessment tool and to ensure that teachers, leaders and the Governors have useful data so that they can identify gaps in pupil learning
- To continue to review, refine and develop the curriculum pathways – assuring the quality of the curriculum offer and establishing subject specific learning at the semi-formal pathway level
Mid-term priorities:
- To ensure smooth transition for the new head teacher at the school
- To ensure smooth transition to academy status
Our long term priorities:
- To establish the new school building as part of the school estate and welcome more pupils onto the school roll
- To become established within a multi-academy Trust, ensuring excellent outcomes for all pupils
- To build a successful partnership with Starbeck Primary to explore a Springwater@Starbeck satellite model
Relationships with parents
We value our relationships with our parents as essential to our school community and maintain strong formal and informal communication through a variety of resources. Parent evenings and school events are well attended where possible and there is a Facebook page, and many parents join this as their child is admitted to school. We are currently trialling Class dojo, an electronic means of staying in touch with the teacher. EHCP meetings can be in person, but many parents prefer to have this meeting on-line, with good attendance. In addition, our Sixth Form students run a weekly bakery and coffee morning for parents and the local community. The school has two Parent Governors, who also sit on the parent engagement committee.
Relationship with the local authority
Springwater is currently a local authority Maintained School. We work closely with North Yorkshire on pupil placements and funding. We are delighted the LA is committed to expanding the school by refurbishing adjacent premises, providing an additional 45 places for PMLD students and we aspire to continue our close partnership with them following our academisation.
Wider Community links
Springwater is a member of the Red Kite Alliance where we accredit our ECTs and use leadership courses such as NPQH. The Headteacher also sits on the local Inclusion Board.
Given the complex needs of our pupils, we have extensive multi-disciplinary links with a wide network of external agencies, including but not limited to a nursing team, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, paediatricians, dentists, CAMHS, Education Psychologists, specialist teachers for vision and hearing impairment, transitions service and specialist careers, moving and manual handling advisors and family support workers.
As we embark on the next phase of our school, we are keen to build on engagement with the community by:
- Developing partnerships locally, regionally and nationally to support successful transition and inclusion both within school and from school
- Securing successful, meaningful and aspirational post-19 transitions including expanding routes into employment where relevant
- Supporting families, carers, social care colleagues and post-18 pupils in understanding and successfully engaging adult services available in the locality: securing aspirational outcomes and the achievement of these once they leave school and/or children’s services
Harrogate is a famous and thriving spa town in North Yorkshire which has been repeatedly named the ‘Happiest Place to Live in the UK’. It is a vibrant town, with a strong and varied economy. It offers a huge range of eating out and leisure opportunities and a wide range of residential properties from period buildings to modern builds. The school is based on the popular southern side of Harrogate, close to the A1 and A61 with a station providing rail links to York and Leeds.
North Yorkshire is England's largest county and one of the most rural. The area comprises the Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors and the Pennines - three areas of outstanding natural beauty, and a stunning coastline around Scarborough and Whitby. There are ruined castles and abbeys, serene gardens, unique breweries, thrilling rides and industrial heritage. The area hosted the phenomenal Tour de France in 2014 and has since created the Tour de Yorkshire, an annual event with global recognition. Our success in supporting these events led to Harrogate hosting the UCI Cycling World Championships in 2019.
North Yorkshire has plenty to offer the outdoor enthusiast. From the hard gritstone of Almscliff and Brimham rocks to the limestone of Malham, Gordale and Kilnsey climbing venues are in abundance. The Yorkshire Dales is the premier area for caving and for mountain biking; there are the bridleways of the Dales and North York Moors as well as the renowned trail centre at Dalby Forest. There are a small number of sailing clubs on reservoirs around the county and fantastic surf sport venues and sea kayaking on the east coast.
While the county is rightly known for its wide-open spaces, it also incorporates attractive market towns including Pickering and Helmsley, traditional seaside towns, the Spa town of Harrogate and the ancient city of York. There are a wide range of shopping, leisure and cultural facilities as well as excellent schools, universities, road and rail links, there really is everything to offer you and your family as a place to work, live and enjoy!
Travelling further afield we have convenient connectivity, with proximity to metropolitan cities of Leeds and Newcastle, with little over two hours commute on the main train line to London. We border the Lake District, Lancashire, County Durham, and Yorkshire & Humber regions with all they have to offer.
For further information on our beautiful county, please visit:
Learn more about Springwater School's Headteacher opportunity
School: Springwater School
Post: Headteacher
Number on Roll: 112
Commencing: September 2024
Salary: L21-L27 ( £77,195 - £88,530). Relocation assistance is negotiable
Contract Term: Permanent
Our Opportunity:
This is an exciting opportunity to build on the strengths of our school and to continue the journey of our happy, vibrant and special community. There are few schools in the country which offer the variety of opportunity as this one. Through this appointment you will be able to lead this unique and highly regarded school on to the next stage of its remarkable journey, working closely with North Yorkshire Council to develop and expand provision. You must exhibit confidence, empathy, and a clear focus on building a healthy workplace culture to benefit the wellbeing of the staff and pupils.
It is an exciting opportunity for an experienced Headteacher or Deputy Head, to strategically lead us through a key period of change with both academisation and expansion, whilst maintaining the culture and ethos of the school. With a meticulous eye for detail, you must be able to work collaboratively with a variety of stakeholders to support the diverse needs of pupils with SEND, their progress and attainment and provide effective leadership and management of our talented staff community including the further development of our specialist curriculum.
About You:
We are looking for a new leader who is passionate and committed to preparing SEND pupils for adulthood to participate as autonomous adults who can make a positive contribution to society. We need a leader who can lead and inspire teachers to be aspirational for themselves and their pupils; someone who is able to communicate commitment and passion to staff, parents, pupils, partners, outside agencies and stakeholders, someone who leads the way to possibilities; all through a period of significant change.
You will be able to demonstrate:
- Clear, strategic, and visionary leadership to enable all staff and students to achieve, including those who communicate through behaviour, symbols, signs or alternative and augmentative communication
- A passionate champion of equality and diversity in relation to accessing personalised and relevant curriculum for our pupils
- A track record of achievement as an enabler; someone able to delegate, ensure staff are accountable, capable of demonstrating how they would manage staff wellbeing whilst everyone’s role is growing, and numbers and complexity of students needs is increasing, in a challenging financial environment
- A track record working closely with communities, including their families; ensuring the SEND code of practice and relevant legislation and statutory duties are upheld and delivered
- An understanding of the broader context around neurodiversity and additional needs and have awareness of the types of support available and experience working with a wide network of stakeholders in delivering tailored support
- The key competencies we have identified on our person specification
We can Offer You:
- A positive work environment with very involved and supportive Governors, and a talented staffing team including experienced SLT, teaching and support staff, as well as a Business manager and HR Manager
- Professional and specialist support from a significant network of professional stakeholders; including other SEN Heads, back-office team, support with funding, professional leadership training, curriculum collaboration and sharing of best practice
- A vibrant and nurturing community with significant ambition for all to be the very best they can be
- Opportunities for progression as our future plans are implemented
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role please call Sarah Hunter on 07816 251271 or email sarah.hunter@northyorks.gov.uk. Sarah has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this exciting opportunity.
Key dates
We strongly recommend that you visit us so we can share with you why we are so proud of our school, and you will have the opportunity to see what we have to offer. If you would like the opportunity to visit, please email Sarah to arrange.
Dates and timings when we can accommodate visits are detailed below - if these are not possible for you please contact Sarah, as we may be able to offer alternatives.
Wednesday 13th March - afternoon
Friday 15th March - afternoon
Friday 22nd March - 11am
Application closing date: Sunday, 7th April 2024, 23:59
Shortlisting: Tuesday 9th April 2024
Interview: Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April 2024
When applying please take into account the following supporting documents:
Person Specification
Job Description
Application guidance - Information in Support of your Application
Every post advertised is supported by a full person specification mapped to our talent blueprint. The specification lists all the essential skills, experience and qualifications which are necessary for the job and the criteria against which you will be assessed, both through your application form and at interview.
Your application form plays an important part in your selection. As part of the application process, you may have been asked to demonstrate within this application form how you meet some or all of the criteria or key competencies outlined in the person specification. The supporting information section of your application should clearly evidence your ability to meet these requirements. This will be used to shortlist applicants for this role and therefore it is imperative that you provide evidence as requested. Rather than simply repeating your career history, look at the skills and experience required by the job and provide evidence that you possess them by giving specific and detailed examples which include a focus on outcomes and on your own contribution to the scenario. Try to use different and varied examples wherever possible.
When completing these sections, do not forget the skills and experience you have gained outside full-time work. Outlining your previous work experience or other responsibilities may help you to uncover skills which you have taken for granted and which are clear signs of your ability to do the job.
Should your application be for a local authority school, you must not try to influence an elected Council Member, any council employee or a member of the school governing body, to act in your favour, as this will disqualify you. If you are related to a Councillor, a Council employee or a governor you must indicate this in the relevant section of the application form.
Data Protection
The information that you state on this application form will be used by the school and the Council to consider you for a job vacancy. To find out about how we use your personal data for the purposes of recruitment please see our Privacy Notice at www.northyorks.gov.uk/working-us.
Rehabilitation of Offenders
The post you are applying for requires you to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check for work with children, with a barred list check if you work in regulated activity. This check for disclosure of criminal history will include spent convictions, pending prosecutions / current court proceeding and police enquiries.
Should you be shortlisted, you will be asked to disclose full details of your criminal history prior to your interview. This includes any information deemed relevant as part of Keeping Children Safe in Education which may arise in an online search undertaken on shortlisted candidates. This information may be discussed with you at your interview in order to assess job related risks, but we emphasise that your application will be considered on merit and ability and you will not be discriminated against unfairly. Failure to disclose this information will result in any offer of employment being withdrawn.
Please also see the policy statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders below.
Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders (Source www.gov.uk)
- As an organisation assessing applicants’ suitability for positions which are included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order using criminal record checks processed through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), this school complies fully with the DBS code of practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly.
- This school undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a criminal record check on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed.
- This school can only ask an individual to provide details of convictions and cautions that it is legally entitled to know about. Where a DBS certificate can legally be requested (where the position is one that is included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) order 1975 as amended, and where appropriate Policy Act Regulations as amended) this school can only ask an individual about convictions and cautions that are not protected.
- This school is committed to the fair treatment of its staff and potential staff, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependents, age, physical/mental disability or offending background.
- This school has this written policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders, which is made available to all DBS applicants at the start of the recruitment process.
- This school actively promotes equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. Candidates are selected for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience and criminal record information is only requested from short-listed candidates.
- A disclosure is only requested from the DBS after a thorough risk assessment has indicated that one is both proportionate and relevant to the position concerned. For those positions where a criminal record check is identified as necessary, all application forms, job adverts and recruitment briefs will contain a statement that a DBS certificate will be requested in the event of the individual being offered the position.
- This school ensures that all those who are involved in the recruitment process have been suitably trained to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences.
- This school also ensures that they have received appropriate guidance and training in the relevant legislation relating to the employment of ex-offenders, e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
- At interview, or in a separate discussion, this school ensures that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matter that might be relevant to the position. Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the position sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment.
- This school makes every subject of a criminal record check submitted to DBS aware of the existence of the code of practice and makes a copy available on request.
- This school undertakes to discuss any matter revealed on a DBS certificate with the individual seeking the position before withdrawing a conditional offer of employment.
When completing your application, please provide two employment referees.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse community and aim to have a workforce reflecting this diversity. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We have a robust child protection policy and all staff will receive training relevant to their role at induction and throughout employment at the school. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Please note this post is in regulated activity and exempt from the rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and subject to satisfactory references and an enhanced DBS criminal records and barred list check for work with children. An online search may be undertaken as part of the recruitment process on information available in the public domain. Candidates should disclose anything that may be relevant in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.
North Yorkshire Council (NYC) advertise vacancies and process applications on behalf of schools and external organisations (third parties) in North Yorkshire. NYC are not responsible for the recruitment/employment practices of third parties and accept no liability in relation to the vacancy and any subsequent recruitment/employment processes. Further information on how we process your data can be found here.