Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Ingleton Primary School's Headteacher opportunity
Dear Applicant,
Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our exciting Headteacher opportunity. We hope that the information we have provided encourages you to make an application to our vibrant, successful and well-respected school.
At Ingleton Primary School we lead our children on their journey, preparing them for adult life in modern Britain. We encourage them to be creative, unique, open-minded, tolerant, and independent individuals who are respectful of themselves and others in our school, our local community, and the wider world.
We are a small primary school situated in the village of Ingleton, on the very edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and the Lake District. Ingleton Primary School enjoys an idyllic setting, in extensive, varied grounds, with views of Ingleborough and the surrounding fells. The school has strong contacts and collaboration with the local community and benefits from support from North Yorkshire Council, in addition to the Castle Alliance Headteacher network.
We are proud of our school’s caring and positive atmosphere, where everyone feels secure, valued and quality relationships are important. We ensure we are a positive and successful place for developing and celebrating high standards, where individuals work hard to fulfil their own potential. We ensure and promote fairness, honesty, trust and a sense of belonging.
Due to our current Headteacher retiring, we are looking for a positive, energetic and strategic teacher to lead Ingleton Primary School from April 2025. We are a successful and well-respected part of the community and want to build on our achievements whilst continuing to develop a culture of well-being for pupils and staff.
This is an exciting opportunity for the right candidate to take our school on the next step of our journey. Our new Headteacher will lead a strong staff team, all committed to delivering great outcomes and contributing to the academic growth and holistic development of all our children.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role, or to arrange a visit, please email Helen Poole, or call on 01609 532 254. To get a feel for our school, we would also encourage you to look at our website and our Facebook page
If you are able, we welcome you to visit the school in advance of your application, to see for yourself the enthusiasm our pupils have for their education, and the school's very special learning environment. Such a visit is not part of the selection process, and applicant visits will not influence the outcome.
I hope you find the information provided useful and informative and that it will encourage you to apply for the opportunity to join our committed, dedicated and inspirational team.
On behalf of the governing body, thank you again for your interest in Ingleton Primary School.
Kind regards,
Jenny Thistlewaite
Chair of Governors

Our Headteacher Opportunity
Number on Roll: 175
Commencing: April 2025
Salary: L13 to L19 (£63,430 - £73,509 pay award pending)
Contract Term: Permanent
'Tall Oaks from little acorns grow.’ Come and lead our wonderful school and help us broaden our children’s experiences!
Ingleton Primary School is a small primary school, situated in Ingleton village. We have strong and long-standing contacts with the local community and benefit from support from the local authority. The school has a welcoming and passionate atmosphere and is very much at the heart of the community, where staff have worked hard to gain the support and trust of families over many years.
We are highly successful and have always been judged “good” by Ofsted. The quality of our teaching is consistently good and carefully monitored.
Our Opportunity:
This is an excellent opportunity for an inspiring leader to lead, shape and further develop our wonderful school.
You will be working alongside a committed team of staff, and a governing body who are ambitious to develop on the success already achieved. The new Headteacher will bring new ideas for the future. You will have a have a strong desire to create a happy, successful, and safe environment for all staff and pupils through confident, strategic leadership; possess a strong moral compass; lead by example as an outstanding classroom practitioner; and demonstrate excellent communication and collaboration skills.
About You:
You will be an ambitious, strategic and collaborative Headteacher or aspiring Headteacher with a passion for creating educated citizens for this community. You will provide a curriculum that celebrates where the children live and acknowledges the need to broaden children’s experiences and understanding of other communities, both regionally and nationally.
The Headship of a village school is unique: you have the benefit of getting to know a tight-knit and caring community and can build relationships with each child. Yet the role is diverse and requires a balanced skill set. You will have strong financial capabilities, with a collaborative and proactive approach to pupil, parent and community relationships. You will successfully create and foster a strong and accountable culture to leadership and learning and find new and innovative ways to build on the existing success of the school.
We can offer you:
- A happy and friendly school, with delightful children who respect each other and have a thirst for learning.
- A culture which allows all staff to thrive and develop.
- An opportunity to see the huge potential that exists in making Ingleton Primary School a pinnacle of excellence in primary education.
- Significant levels of support from the Local Authority, Governing Board and a staff team who are experienced, committed and passionate about our school.
- A Governing Body committed to providing support on all matters including more sensitive or difficult issues and including the wellbeing of all staff members.
- Support from other schools in our cluster where the Headteachers meet regularly. This provides a support network for sharing ideas and best practice.
For an informal, confidential conversation about the role and to arrange a visit, please call Helen Poole on 01609 532 254 or email. Helen has been engaged to support us with recruitment to this exciting opportunity. We strongly recommend that you visit us so we can share with you why we are so proud of our school, and you will have the opportunity to see what we have to offer.
Key dates
Visits: 17/9 morning, 19/9 afternoon, 23/9 afternoon, 25/9 morning, 30/9 afternoon, 4/10 morning
Application closing date: Sunday 6th October, 23:59
Shortlisting: Wednesday 9th October
Interviews: Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October
Information about our school
On the very edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and where three counties meet – Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria - Ingleton Primary School enjoys an idyllic setting, in extensive, varied grounds, with views of Ingleborough and the surrounding fells. Situated on the A65, we are within easy commuting distance of Kendal – the Gateway to the Lakes - Lancaster and the beautiful market town of Skipton. Ingleton village is popular with visitors coming to walk the Waterfalls Trail and climb the Three Yorkshire Peaks. The village has a variety of shops and cafes, a doctor’s surgery, places of worship, a community centre, climbing wall and outdoor swimming pool. It is a vibrant place to live and work with a very strong sense of community. Ingleton is a growing village, with several very small-scale housing developments highlighted on the village local plan.
The school catchment area is relatively small, whilst families send their children to Ingleton Primary from other local villages and hamlets due to the school’s excellent reputation within the wider community. The village school is very much at the heart of the community and staff have worked hard to gain the support and trust of families over many years.
Built in 1973 to a semi-open plan design, Ingleton Primary School enjoys plenty of space and lots of natural light. The school is built on a single level giving very good access to all children and adults, with extensive grounds giving excellent opportunities for outdoor learning. To utilise the grounds, we have a forest school woodland and a well-equipped EYFS outdoor area. We are keen to utilise these grounds further and are excited about the possibilities that our new Headteacher could explore for us.
Over the past few years, the grounds have been developed and now boast woodlands of different ages, an orchard, productive vegetable and flower gardens, hedges laid to promote biodiversity and wild flower meadows. The vast mown fields provide excellent spaces for sport and these are well used by community groups.
Our Pupils
Our current number on role (NOR) is 175, with 4 children with EHCPs and requiring additional support. The school catchment area is relatively small, whilst families send their children to Ingleton Primary from other local villages and hamlets due to the school’s excellent reputation within the wider community.
The overall behaviour of our pupils is excellent, with high standards rooted in a relationship-based approach. Our pupils are also polite, confident, happy, engaging, friendly and respectful. Emphasis is put on the importance of outdoor and adventurous activities, with children experiencing caving, scrambling, climbing and mountain walking in the local area. Ingleton Primary School children love being outdoors.
“Leaders have cultivated a positive, friendly atmosphere. Pupils behave well at all times of the school day. Lunchtimes are very civilised. The vast majority of parents and carers responding to the online survey, Parent View’ agree that bullying is not an issue.” (Ofsted, 2020).
At Ingleton Primary School, we want to provide the very best education for every single child in our care. We consider that each child is unique and therefore all our children’s needs vary. At some stage in their primary education, pupils may require additional support with aspects of their learning or physical help or even guidance with their behaviour. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator works closely with outside agencies to assist staff in providing the support needed for children, giving more structured and individual help. Parents are kept fully informed of this process. Click here for full information on our SEND provision.
“Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn alongside other pupils. Pupils with SEND access a full, broad and balanced curriculum that is matched well to their needs.” (Ofsted, 2020)
We asked our wonderful pupils what skills they wanted in their new Headteacher, which they wanted to share with you!
- A great teacher!
- Positivity
- Fun
- Loves nature
- Adventurous to do all the outdoor activities and forest schools
- Responsible
- Does what they say they are going to do
- Kind and caring
- Organised
- Excited to do trips
- A sense of humour
- Fair
- Caring
- Takes the time to listen to the children and their ideas
- Likes gardening (gardening club is definitely viewed as a right of passage through school!)
Our Staff
Our current leadership team consists of our Headteacher, two Co-Deputy Headteachers and 1 SENDCo. Including our Headteacher, we have 12 teachers (3 full time, 9 part time) ranging from 2nd year ECT to UPS 3; 8 teaching assistants (1 ATA, 2 HLTA, 5 GTA); 1 full time administrator; 3 kitchen staff; 1 site manager and 1 cleaner.
We currently have 7 classes, a PAN of 26 and mixed year groups in KS2, with an ambition of increasing PAN to 30 and increasing pupil numbers across all year groups in order to move to single year group classrooms.
Our teaching team are a mix of new to the school and long-serving, with a common goal of continuing excellence, ideas and CPD. We have a part time SENDCo and a highly experienced and respected SLT.
Ahead of recruiting for our next Headteacher, the Governors have outlined the skills they sought in our new Head and what they believed their priorities should be. They would like our next headteacher to provide a happy, successful and safe environment for all staff and pupils through confident, strategic leadership; to possess a strong moral compass; to lead by example as an outstanding classroom practitioner and to demonstrate excellent communication and collaboration skills.
Our Governing Body
Our School Governors are responsible for overseeing the management side of the school; strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable the school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children. All governors are valued members of Ingleton Primary School family. They bring different life experiences and have many skills that lead them to assume specific roles, for example Safeguarding or Health and Safety. Each one is a member of a committee – Resources or School Improvement, meeting termly and feeding back to the full governing body meeting. Click here to read further information about our Governing Body.
Our school motto: ‘Tall oaks from little acorns grow’
Our Vision
To create educated citizens for this community by providing a curriculum that celebrates where the children live and acknowledges the need to broaden children’s experiences and understanding of other communities, both regionally and nationally.
Our Values
- A caring place where everyone feels secure, valued and quality relationships are important
- A positive place for developing and celebrating high standards
- A successful place where individuals work hard to fulfil their own potential
- A place where fairness, equality and diversity are at the heart of all we do
Learning at Ingleton Primary
Our aim is to create educated citizens for this community by providing a curriculum that celebrates where the children live and acknowledges the need to broaden the children’s experiences and understanding of other communities, both regionally and nationally. Our rigorous, carefully planned curriculum combined with high quality teaching ensures that children are supported to be well rounded, empathetic young people who have a genuine thirst for learning. Children develop a strong sense of moral purpose in addition to a respect for and understanding of people.
The curriculum is all the planned activities that we as a school organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of our children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others, whilst developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning, in order that they achieve their true potential.
Children love being outdoors at Ingleton Primary; unstructured playtimes encourage independence and resilience; PE lessons take place in wide open spaces; the curriculum is very much enhanced through learning outdoors.
“Pupils thrive personally and socially at this school. They learn to be respectful and openminded. Pupils have lots of chances to learn beyond the classroom. Many enjoy gardening, sports and learning to prepare meals at the cookery club.” (Ofsted, 2020)
Wellbeing of staff and pupils
The health and wellbeing of all members of our school community is one of our most important priorities at Ingleton. There are many ways in which we support staff, parents and children as a school, but in addition to these we can go a step further.
There are times when some children may need additional support with their emotional health and wellbeing. We work with SELFA (click here for further information), a local children’s charity, to provide a series of sessions called ‘Mindful’ that focus on improving children’s emotional health and wellbeing. We can also offer 1-1 wellbeing sessions with a qualified child counsellor who has been trained through ‘Place2be.’ (click here for further information). This can be for a short period, or for longer term support, depending on need.
OFSTED – January 2020
Ofsted Judgement “Ingleton Primary School continues to be a good school.”
Click here to read our report (opens in new window)
Our strengths at inspection:
- Pupils thrive personally and socially at this school. They learn to be respectful and open-minded. Pupils have lots of chances to learn beyond the classroom. Many enjoy gardening, sports and learning to prepare meals at the cookery club.
- Pupils behave well throughout the school day. Trusted staff help to sort out small conflicts, so they do not escalate. Rare incidents of bullying are quickly resolved.
- Leaders have put in place a range of activities and incentives to enthuse pupils about reading.
- Pupils learn in a wide range of subjects. The physical education (PE) curriculum is well planned. Pupils enjoy rich experiences in such subjects as science, history and geography.
- More recently, leaders have reviewed and improved the mathematics curriculum. The curriculum plans help teachers to plan effectively for mixed-age classes from early years to Year 6. Teachers give more attention to ensuring that pupils fully understand concepts before moving on to new learning.
- The PE curriculum helps pupils develop knowledge and skills step by step. Specialist teachers ensure that lessons help pupils build on their prior achievements.
- In science, history and geography, pupils experience enjoyable activities. Trips to places of interest enhance learning in these subjects.
- Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn alongside other pupils. Pupils with SEND access a full, broad and balanced curriculum that is matched well to their needs.
- Pupils learn about how to be good citizens in modern Britain. They learn to respect difference and to challenge stereotyping. Pupils are encouraged each week through homework tasks to discuss current affairs with their parents.
Our areas for development at inspection and actions taken:
Developing expertise in the teaching of early reading:
- New reading scheme with phonic decodable books - Summer 2020
- Staff training with English Hub - February 2020.
- Regular PP meetings monitor least able pupils.
- Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme for phonics – October 2021
Developing the curriculum content and design for all foundation subjects:
- Progression documents created in each subject clearly maps out progression over year groups in each subject.
- Knowledge organisers created for each foundation/science topic allowing for reflection of previous learning, current learning intentions and next stage progression.
- Use of floor books in some subjects to record learning and act as an aide memoir.
Strengthening subject leadership:
- Staff and subject leader meetings planned to discuss and map effective measures required for each subject/topic delivery.
- Time allocated for SLs to develop their subject – with colleagues and with LA advisor
- SLT attend Curriculum Network Meetings and support staff in developing their subject.
Improve persistent absenteeism:
- Policy reviewed with staff and governors, robust procedures in place.
- Monthly attendance checks in staff meetings.
- Governor monitoring termly.
Pupil absence in 2022/2023
Absence | School | Local Authority | England State-funded Schools |
Overall Absence | 4.7% | 5.3% | 5.9% |
Persistent Absence | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Pupil Population in 2022/2023
Overview | School | England – Mainstream Primary Schools |
Total Number of Pupils on Roll (All Ages) | 182 | 4,647,851 |
Girls on Roll | 49.5% | 49.1% |
Boys on Roll | 50.5% | 50.9% |
Pupils with an SEN Education, Health and Care Plan | 2.1% | 2.5% |
Pupils with SEN Support | 11.4% | 13.5% |
Pupils Whose First Language is Not English | N/A | N/A |
Pupils Eligible for Free School Meals | 5.8% | 25.9% |
2024 Performance
Our Year 1 Phonics Screening Check for 2024 was 72% (cohort was 67% GLD at end of EYFS).
GLD 2024 | GLD 2023 | GLD 2022 | |||
School | National | School (24) | National | School (18) | National |
76% | TBC | 66.7% | 67% | 83.3% | 65.2% |
KS2 SATs Results
Subject | EGPS | Reading | Maths | |||
School | National | School | National | School | National | |
ARE+ | 76.60% | 72% | 83.30% | 74% | 79.90% | 73% |
GD | 33.30% | N/A | 39.90% | N/A | 36.60% | N/A |
WTS | 23.30% | N/A | 16.60% | N/A | 19.90% | N/A |
Average Point Score | 105.3 | 105 | 105.9 | 105 | 106.5 | 104 |
Pupils at the Standard in Writing, Science, and the Combined Maths/Reading/Writing
Subject | 2024 Score | 2023 Score |
Science | 90% | 81% |
Writing | 70% | 72% |
Reading, Writing & Maths Combined | 66.6% | 61% |
2023 Performance
Year 1 Phonic Screening Check
Our Year 1 Phonics Screening Check for 2023 was 89.5%
Year 2 Results (53)
Expected Standard: 72%, 71%, 71%
Mathematics | School | National | LA |
Greater Depth | 24% | 16% | 19% |
Reading | 76% | 69% | 69% |
Greater Depth | 28% | 20% | 22% |
Writing | 72% | 60% | 61% |
Greater Depth | 12% | 8% | 11% |
Year 6 Results (24 pupils, 5 SEN, 2 PP)
Subject | % Expected Standard | % Greater Depth or High Score | ||||
School | National | LA | School | National | LA | |
Reading | 83% | 73% | 74% | 29% | 29% | 33% |
GPS | 67% | 72% | 74% | 8% | 28% | 30% |
Writing (TA) | 79% | 72% | 70% | 13% | 13% | 14% |
Mathematics | 92% | 73% | 75% | 29% | 24% | 25% |
Reading, Writing & Maths | 63% | 59% | 60% | N/A | 8% | 9% |
Further performance data can be found clicking here.
Budget Position
As with many schools, our budgetary position is challenging, however, we are in a good financial situation. We are keen for our new Headteacher to work with governors to continue our financial stability and ensure that all future income generation is explored.
Short and Mid-term Priorities
There is a key focus for the new Head to drive our Strategic Priorities:
Short term ambitions:
- Developing a successful induction plan for all new staff
- Establishing new Senior Leadership Team with strong direction, accountability and strategy
Mid term ambitions:
- Raising standards in writing in KS2 by Implementing Pathways to Write approach in Literacy
- Develop and introduce long and short term plan for CPD for staff development to support recent staffing changes
Long term ambitions:
- Increasing PAN to 30, increasing pupil numbers across all year groups, in order to move to single year group classrooms
- Increase staffing levels
- Acquire a purpose-built outdoor chalet style classroom for Nursery, using the outdoor classroom as a base for our ‘Forest Schools Offer’ for visiting groups of children from urban areas, and as a result develop this as potential income generator
- Expanding the nursery offer to 30 hours from 15, if the community needs this
- Develop relationships with feeder secondary schools, both within and out with county boundaries
- Investigate academisation as a means of supporting the development of cross county relationships increasing pupil numbers and thereby improving financial situation.
Ingleton is located in the enviable position of where three counties meet (Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria) and all that has to offer.
North Yorkshire
North Yorkshire is England's largest county and one of the most rural. The area comprises the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors, three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a stunning coastline around Scarborough and Whitby. There are ruined castles and abbeys, serene gardens, unique breweries, thrilling rides and industrial heritage. The county hosted the phenomenal Tour de France ‘Grand Depart’ in 2014 and has since created the Tour de Yorkshire, an annual event with global recognition.
North Yorkshire has plenty to offer the outdoor enthusiast, particularly in the Dales where Ingleton is situated. The Yorkshire Dales is renowned for its dramatic landscapes, and is the premier area for caving and for mountain biking, as well as the famous Yorkshire Three peaks! Walkers can climb the Yorkshire Three Peaks of Pen-y-ghent, Ingleborough and Whernside and explore the iconic Ingleton Waterfalls Trail, which attracts visitors from far and wide to experience the cascading waterfalls and lush woodlands. The nearby White Scar Cave, the longest show cave in Britain, offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's geological past with its impressive formations and underground rivers. There are a small number of sailing clubs on reservoirs around the county and fantastic surf-sport venues and sea kayaking on the east and west coast. Morecambe Bay is approximately 20 miles from Ingleton.
While the county is rightly known for its wide open spaces, it also incorporates attractive market towns, traditional seaside towns, the Spa town of Harrogate and the ancient city of York - the most visited city outside of London. There are a wide range of shopping, leisure and cultural facilities as well as excellent schools, universities, road and rail links, there really is everything to offer you and your family as a place to work, live and enjoy!
We have convenient connectivity, approx 15 miles from the M6 and the cities of Leeds and Newcastle and Manchester within two hours drive. We border the Lake District, Lancashire, Cumbria, Northumberland and Yorkshire & Humber regions with all they have to offer.
Kirkby Lonsdale and Settle
Close to Ingleton are Kirkby Lonsdale and Settle, two towns where many of our students go to secondary school. Kirkby Lonsdale, located just across the border in Cumbria, is a historic town known for its stunning scenery and charming streets. The town is famous for the breathtaking views from Ruskin's View, a spot praised by the artist John Ruskin for its beauty, overlooking the River Lune and the surrounding countryside. Settle is a picturesque market town in North Yorkshire, located on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It is known for its charming stone buildings, historic market square, and the famous Settle-Carlisle Railway, which offers one of the most scenic train journeys in the UK.
Kendal (Ingleton is 20 miles south east of Kendal) – Gateway to the Lake District
Kendal is situated to the south of the Lake District, six miles from junction 36 of the M6 motorway. It is just nine miles to Windermere lake and only a few miles from the sea. The town boasts a population of some 28500 (2021) and is home to a selection of shopping arcades. It also boasts two castles, two museums and a host of historical buildings and bridges. There are fine restaurants, quality hotels and a multitude of public houses.
Visit Kendal - We can't wait to show you around
Lancaster (Ingleton is 18 miles north east of Lancaster)
Lancaster is a historic city in northwest England, known for its rich heritage, vibrant culture, and strong ties to the Royal House of Lancaster. The city's most prominent landmark is Lancaster Castle, a well-preserved medieval fortress with a history dating back to Roman times. Lancaster is also home to a prestigious university, adding a youthful energy to the city. The River Lune flows through the heart of Lancaster, providing scenic walking paths and a link to its maritime past. The city blends old and new, with historic buildings, modern shops, and a lively arts scene, making it a dynamic and attractive place to live and visit. Lancaster is easily reached from all over the UK. Just over two hours from London and Edinburgh on the West Coast Line, Lancaster is well served by main line rail. The M6 motorway quick and convenient car travel to the length of the country. In just over an hour from Manchester, Liverpool and Leeds you could be exploring the City.
Visit Lancaster - Explore Lancaster
Skipton (Ingleton is 26 miles north west of Skipton) – stunning market town steeped in history
Skipton is a market town in North Yorkshire, England, that offers a history and natural beauty, on the doorstep of Yorkshire Dales. The cobbled High Street is lined with shops, cafes and pubs, and hosts a lively market. Skipton is a perfect destination for anyone who loves history, nature and adventure.
Relationships with parents and the local community
The School is a pivotal part of the close community of Ingleton and the current Headteacher has involved herself in other aspects of village life, being well known and respected. It is critical to the school that our new Headteacher appreciates the existing connection and has motivation, reliance and ambition to continue this strong relationship.
The Governors see the introduction of a new Headteacher as an opportunity to diversify and share responsibilities across the staff if Ingleton Primary School is to maintain its role in the community. A new Head will have the opportunity to further encourage all staff to attend events and further support extra-curricular activities. The school communicates with parents regularly with a regular newsletter, sharing events, news and information about the school and external associations.
Relationship with LA
We have a positive and collaborative relationship with North Yorkshire Council, with regular visits from our Senior Education Advisor.
Wider networks
We have a strong working relationship with our Senior Education Advisor at North Yorkshire Council, in addition to a Castle Alliance Headteacher network. The school’s geographical location presents barriers in accessing the North Yorkshire support network but provides the opportunity to develop links across county boundaries.
Information About Application and Guidance
When applying please take into account the following supporting documents:
Job Description - Headteacher (.docx) [117 KB], (opens in a new tab).
Person Specification - Headteacher (.docx) [82.2 KB], (opens in a new tab).
Application guidance - Information in Support of your Application
Every post advertised is supported by a full person specification mapped to our talent blueprint. The specification lists all the essential skills, experience and qualifications which are necessary for the job and the criteria against which you will be assessed, both through your application form and at interview.
Your application plays an important part in your selection. As part of the application process, you may have been asked to demonstrate within this application form how you meet some or all of the criteria or key competencies outlined in the person specification. The supporting information section of your application should clearly evidence your ability to meet these requirements. This will be used to shortlist applicants for this role and therefore it is imperative that you provide evidence as requested. Rather than simply repeating your career history, look at the skills and experience required by the job and provide evidence that you possess them by giving specific and detailed examples which include a focus on outcomes and on your own contribution to the scenario. Try to use different and varied examples wherever possible.
When completing these sections, do not forget the skills and experience you have gained outside full-time work. Outlining your previous work experience or other responsibilities may help you to uncover skills which you have taken for granted and which are clear signs of your ability to do the job.
Should you require the application form in a different format, please contact Resourcing Solutions.
Should your application be for a local authority school, you must not try to influence an elected Council Member, any council employee or a member of the school governing body, to act in your favour, as this will disqualify you. If you are related to a Councillor, a Council employee or a governor you must indicate this in the relevant section of the application form.
Data Protection
North Yorkshire Council (NYC) advertise vacancies and process applications on behalf of schools and external organisations (third parties) in North Yorkshire. NYC are not responsible for the recruitment/employment practices of third parties and accept no liability in relation to the vacancy and any subsequent recruitment/employment processes. Further information on how we process your data can be found by reading our privacy notice.
Rehabilitation of Offenders
The post you are applying for requires you to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check for work with children, with a barred list check if you work in regulated activity. This check for disclosure of criminal history will include spent convictions, pending prosecutions / current court proceeding and police enquiries.
Should you be shortlisted, you will be asked to disclose full details of your criminal history prior to your interview. This includes any information deemed relevant as part of Keeping Children Safe in Education which may arise in an online search undertaken on shortlisted candidates. This information may be discussed with you at your interview in order to assess job related risks, but we emphasise that your application will be considered on merit and ability and you will not be discriminated against unfairly. Failure to disclose this information will result in any offer of employment being withdrawn.
Please also see the policy statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders below.
Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-offenders (Source www.gov.uk)
- As an organisation assessing applicants’ suitability for positions which are included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order using criminal record checks processed through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), this school complies fully with the DBS code of practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly.
- This school undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a criminal record check on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed.
- This school can only ask an individual to provide details of convictions and cautions that it is legally entitled to know about. Where a DBS certificate can legally be requested (where the position is one that is included in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) order 1975 as amended, and where appropriate Policy Act Regulations as amended) this school can only ask an individual about convictions and cautions that are not protected.
- This school is committed to the fair treatment of its staff and potential staff, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependents, age, physical/mental disability or offending background.
- This school has this written policy on the recruitment of ex-offenders, which is made available to all DBS applicants at the start of the recruitment process.
- This school actively promotes equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. Candidates are selected for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience and criminal record information is only requested from short-listed candidates.
- A disclosure is only requested from the DBS after a thorough risk assessment has indicated that one is both proportionate and relevant to the position concerned. For those positions where a criminal record check is identified as necessary, all application forms, job adverts and recruitment briefs will contain a statement that a DBS certificate will be requested in the event of the individual being offered the position.
- This school ensures that all those who are involved in the recruitment process have been suitably trained to identify and assess the relevance and circumstances of offences.
- This school also ensures that they have received appropriate guidance and training in the relevant legislation relating to the employment of ex-offenders, e.g. the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
- At interview, or in a separate discussion, this school ensures that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matter that might be relevant to the position. Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the position sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment.
- This school makes every subject of a criminal record check submitted to DBS aware of the existence of the code of practice and makes a copy available on request.
- This school undertakes to discuss any matter revealed on a DBS certificate with the individual seeking the position before withdrawing a conditional offer of employment.
When completing your application, please provide two employment referees. One of these must be from your most recent employer.
We are committed to meeting the needs of our diverse community and aim to have a workforce reflecting this diversity. We are also committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults. We have a robust child protection and safeguarding policy (.pdf) [924 KB ]. (opens in a new tab). and all staff will receive training relevant to their role at induction and throughout employment at the school. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Please note this post is in regulated activity and exempt from the rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and subject to satisfactory references and an enhanced DBS criminal records and barred list check for work with children. An online search may be undertaken as part of the recruitment process on information available in the public domain. Candidates should disclose anything that may be relevant in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.