Home / Retirement
Find out about making the transition from working life into retirement.
As you approach retirement there are a wide range of things to consider that can help you make the transition from working life.
Whilst many of these considerations relate to your finances and planning for the future, you may also wish to consider your options in terms of whether you will continue to work part time or retire early, details of how this may affect your pension are provided in the additional documents below. You may also be thinking about how you will spend your time, you may wish to consider volunteering to make a contribution to your local community.
Comprehensive information and guidance on the State Pension is available on the Direct Gov website here.
Other areas to consider relate to your pension, further details can be sourced from the Money Advice Service website here.
For information on specific pension schemes, please visit the websites below:
- Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and the North Yorkshire Pension Fund, who administer the LGPS for the new Council.
- Teachers’ Pensions
- State pensions
Last updated: October 2019