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Additional support
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Debt, money management, benefits and housing can be a source of worry at a time of change.
This information pulls together some key sources of information which you may find useful:
Money Advice Service - www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/
- The money advice service is a one-stop shop for all matters relating to money management. It provides guidance on key life events that may take place, how to deal with debt, budget planning and more.
- They publish two useful guides on redundancy and planning for retirement which includes checklists and practical tips.
GOV.UK benefits portal - www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators
- This website provided by central government contains information on the whole range of benefits available.
Shelter England - http://england.shelter.org.uk/
- Shelter is the national housing charity. It provides information on various housing issues such as advice on housing benefit and private renting.
Whether you are changing jobs voluntarily, or because you are taking or having to accept redundancy, you will experience a wide range of emotions. This is quite natural and by understanding how change is commonly experienced by individuals can help you deal with the situation. However, when the change outcome is deemed unsatisfactory, i.e. redundancy, it is more difficult to deal with.
The emotions can include:
- Shock - being overwhelmed and taken aback by the change announced
- Denial - this isn’t happening to me
- Anger - who’s to blame for this? Why me?
- Depression - I’m too sad to do anything
- Acceptance - I’m at peace with what is coming
It is perfectly natural to experience these stages when going through change. There is no single or simple path through these changes - you may experience several stages many times, they may come in a different order and sometimes stages are experienced alongside each other.
Health and wellbeing
If your experience of change starts to impact your health, either physical or mental health, you are encouraged to see your doctor or our welfare service, who will be able to offer further advice. You can also get information from the following organisations and charities that are dedicated to health and wellbeing:
ACAS - www.acas.org.uk/index.aspx?articleid=1461
Age Positive - Direct Gov - www.gov.uk/government/collections/age-positive
Benefits - Direct Gov - www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators
Department for Work and Pensions - www.dwp.gov.uk/index.shtml
Government Universal Job Match - www.gov.uk/jobsearch
GOV.UK - www.gov.uk/
National Careers Service - https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/Pages/Home.aspx
New Enterprise Allowance - Direct Gov - www.gov.uk/government/collections/new-enterprise-allowance-campaign
North Yorkshire Council - Jobs - www.northyorks.gov.uk/jobs-and-careers
North Yorkshire Council - Adult Learning & Skills Service - www.northyorks.gov.uk/adult-education-and-training-courses
Volunteering - Do-it.org - www.do-it.org.uk/
Contact us
If you would like any further support around the information provided please contact either Sarah Ruocco or Neil Forster at Resourcing Solutions on 01609 535585.
Alternatively, use our online form:
Last updated: October 2019